Do nutrition to hair bake oil to have effect

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When the hair appears dry and frayed, or damaged state after perming and dyeing, we will think of giving the hair nutrition treatment oil, hoping to
improve the state of the hair, let the hair restore.
It's a great idea, but the results may not be as good as you think. Hair is made of protein, and whatever causes it to be damaged is irreversible. Just like
a nail, a cut can't heal itself until it's long and clipped or smoothed with a
Because hair and nail do not have vitality and self-repair ability, can cut only after being damaged, or rely on a few nutrition to protect hair product
such as oil treatment, supplement the nutrient that loses, will maintain the
smooth degree of the hair and glossiness, the state that is damaged cannot
The products that replenish your hair are called hair masks or hairdressing creams, which mean the same thing. They are all hair care products. Are for
damaged hair, to supplement nutrients, increase the role of smoothness.
Whether it works depends on what you want to achieve. The hair is only light dry, the way that can do nutrition through giving the hair, let the hair get
certain nutrient supplement, the hair can restore normal state slowly. Do a, of
course, there will be no obvious effect, because the hair dry, that nutrient
loss, will form a hole on the surface or inside the hair, water evaporation
nutrient lock, the condition of the hair will be worse and worse. Do nutrition
can make up for hair damage nutrients, let the hair slowly back to normal
As said before, after the hair is damaged, he can not recover, can only through the hair film treatment oil and other hair care products to supplement
the loss of nutrition. Do, the nutrient that the hair absorbs is limited, and
when washing hair next time, still can lose some, because damaged hair is like a
funnel, absorb nutrient at the same time, lose slowly at the same time. This
needs to be supplemented ceaselessly, the nutrient that lets hair interior
reaches a saturated state, hair just can be better and better.
Do nutrition only once the effect, want to let the hair get obvious improvement, need to insist to do, at least once a week to do nutrition
treatment oil, in order to let the nutrition in the hair accumulation. If three
days of fishing and two days of drying nets, there is certainly no effect,
because each shampoo will take away some nutrition, not timely supplement hair
will soon return to do nursing before the dry state.
If your hair quality has been very bad, and even the phenomenon of flaky expansion, this shows that the hair scales fall off seriously, the internal
cavity density has been very large, water and nutrients are completely locked,
the hair becomes not straight and not smooth, crooked. In this case, the effect
of the nutritional hair mask will not be too obvious.
Because do nutrition to the hair can only have the effect that increases smoothness and glossiness, although also can supplement the nutrient that the
hair loses, but cannot change the shape of the hair, finish nutrition can feel
the softness and smoothness of the hair only from feel, but the feeling of
frightiness is unable to improve.
This situation can only be improved by professional technical means such as hair reduction repair or hair protein filling correction, which can not be done
at home. You must go to a barber shop and let experienced professionals operate
it, so that the hair can be restored to a straight state.
The method of coke hair reduction only obtained the straight effect from the vision, but the quality of hair is still dry and short of water, but at this
time to do nutritional treatment oil, the effect will be more obvious.
Hair protein filling correction, is to put some polymer high density of nutrients by using high temperature forced into to the hair, and not affected by
the shampoo and nutrient loss, can make a long-term effective, don't need to do
daily nutritional treatment nursing, the hair can keep smooth state, also is a
kind of care means more prevalent now barber shops, You can straighten or curl
your hair while repairing it.
The reason that the hair is dry and manic is very many, often blow wind modelling, or use electricity to roll rod, electricity splint to do modelling,
can bring about a hair dry lack of water, hair end opens fork. In this case, it
is best to do a hair film nutrition care every week, use conditioner when
washing hair at ordinary times, and combine some hair care oil when combing hair
daily, the effect will be better.
Often perm hair dye hair caused by hair frizz, do nutrition hair film treatment oil can only play a role in increasing smoothness, but the state of
frizz is not eliminated. Insist on doing hair nutrition care will certainly be
slightly better, but the effect is very slow. It certainly worked, but full
recovery is impossible.
Finally, conclusion: ? Hair nutrition can only increase the smoothness and glossiness, do once only once effect, must insist on doing the effect to come
out; ? Hair nutrition can only supplement the loss of nutrients, feel will have
a soft feeling, but can not improve the shape of damaged hair; ? Hair nutrition,
can be used as a means of daily maintenance and care, can keep the hair in a
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Posted 08 Aug 2021

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