1/2 caste Paki’s

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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
ive been wanting to make a topic like this for ages. so here goes......

i know some1 at my uni on my course, whos father is paki and mum is english. he lived in pakistan for his early childhood. and now in england. however during the first few ramadan fasts i asked him if he was fasting and his reply was
'sh*t i should start doing that' and that he never really does fast cos he isnt that religeous.

then i spk to him next time and asked a bit about his background and he told me his dads religeous but he isnt at all, he didnt know when eid was.

so looking at chanda sis and hearing about tesh, and their dedication to pakistan and their desiness and religeon, its very interesting to hear this side of the story as i have never come across half cast pakitani's.

plz tell me more about this i wanna hear more from chanda sis and tesh about their lifestyle and background. and any1 else who might have come across a half cast pakistani.

Posted 04 Nov 2005

Asian says
as a Brtish born desi i must say


look with me i'am

"British bt paper, pakistani in nature"

goryian ko be musliman baban ka koi fida nahie hai, they should embrace islam for themselfs not others,

ash you know and i know it dosent work, they can't handle the concept of extended family, unko ko ghar ke kaam ya kaha be pakana nahie artha, it's messed up


kalay goray se shaadi ker ke no problem, likin unko ke values system same hai na. pir be deeko sewai meai uk ke pedeshi hoon pakistani baatien muja meai hai na

islam, khana pakaan, apnie izzat rakhan,

you can't get that in any other koom
Posted 04 Nov 2005

ashkhan says
thats true. but reading chanda sis's posts i felt that if ur given the right kind of education from your parents it can alter the type of person u r. reading her posts i think she has been well educated in her culture and religeon, which i didnt c in that guy from uni.

he said his dad does fasting himself no one else.

wat kind of education do 1/2 casts get from their parents?
Posted 04 Nov 2005

Asian says
na but ash you know they are comfused

i think that apany go with goray or kalay because they got I.D issues, okie i will give you an example

we had a AGM, i was to spend three nights away from home, while in the hotel at a party i went to the bar to grab a drink (j20) as i am vice president, and my friend president, people were making jokes about us being bonnie and clyde, i went to my room to change my shoes and came back down (river island heels KILL)

their was a half asian half white male who at many times tryed to chat to me but i ignored him, he has some what of a play boy reputation, he approaced me for a dance i declined but he kept trying all night, feeling tired and a little cheesed off i did in the end, he gave me something rubberie (use your head) and his room key

i was in shock, he's half apnay pir be essay harkat ke, i gave his room key and the other thing to one of my gay friends LOL, BOY WAS HE IN FOR A SHOCK

likin deeko na, izzat ek Musliman wallie cheez be nahie, ek Pakistani wallie cheez hai, mujay pata hai izzat kaya hai, meai maar jaow ge likin apnie izzat per daag nahie lagaow ge, ye baatien sirif ek pakistani jaan sak tha hai, ek gora ya kala nahie

Posted 04 Nov 2005

ashkhan says
boy ur clever. i bet he was in a shock of his life. funny.

this is true for a lot of pakistanis in pakistan also. i have lots of examples. oh hers one, i kneew some1 and she got engaedg according to her parents wishes. then her younger sis actually liked her JIJA JI, and stsrted emailing him and things led from one to the other she slept with him. oh and since ur in uk too try and get the book My Feudal Lord by Tehmina Durrani, in it shes written 30 yrs ago how she slept with Khar while she was married to some1 else, then god took his badla and her sis slept with Khar too while tehmina was married to khar.

there r so many paki guys who r really awara.

Hey this is a really good topic, lets c what ppl have to say.

Posted 04 Nov 2005

ashkhan says
dont u reakon that if ppl from diff cultures teach their child about their culture that perhaps thay can b better muslims or pakistanis.

i was surprised chanda sis knew urdu and above all can read it too.

Posted 04 Nov 2005

Asian says
but i mean it's total crap, i have worked on film sets, and modeled in a few shows TRUST ME i have seen it and been offred it all,

Jab insaaan ke neyat saaf hai na kuch nahie honay walla

i would NEVER marry a gora or a kala, why have white sugar and get diabities when you can have ALL THE BROWN SUGAR YOU WANT!!!!!!!!!!

Asian males meai family bhie baatien hotie hai na, its easyer to relate to them

besides my brother would throatel a gora or a kala LOL apanay are nice brownies like teddys lol hehehe
Posted 04 Nov 2005

ashkhan says
nice example with the tea. so ur saying its down to choice.

i wouldnt mind another race or country so long as hes muslim, but my parents will have big problems with that. i think theyll disown me.

i am somewhat religeous so i would want some1 with similar points so i can relate to them. more than culture i think religeon matters.

dont u think that various race ppl together r more exiting and have better looking kids.

look at tesh
Posted 04 Nov 2005

Asian says
but your perents are right at the end of the day i am with them on this issue, apnay tend to premote responcbility within relationships

do you see teenage preganacy in Pakistan?
Posted 04 Nov 2005

nikama says
ashkhan said:

this is true for a lot of pakistanis in pakistan also.
there r so many paki guys who r really awara.

. u said it all ash,its not the problem of half casts only.and the two examples u quoted were of girls not guys. the way u have been brought up makes all the difference.wher u live has little to do with your nature.
Posted 04 Nov 2005

ashkhan says
yes there r teenage prg not too high a level at western countries, cos of 2 reasons:

1. cos they dont get counted cos families hide it from others cos itll bring shame to their name. hence either teens get killed honour killing or sent away where no one knows them or if lucky get married.

2. still in pakitan cos of the family system girls r scared their brovs will find out so do it with extra precautions etc..

from example ive given tehmina durranis sis was a teen when she did it with tehminas husband Khar.

hey dod get that book, really interesting from any council library.
Posted 04 Nov 2005

ashkhan says
true, nature is in person, insan ki fitrat nahi badalti.
Posted 04 Nov 2005

Asian says
ashkhan said:

yes there r teenage prg not too high a level at western countries, cos of 2 reasons:

1. cos they dont get counted cos families hide it from others cos itll bring shame to their name. hence either teens get killed honour killing or sent away where no one knows them or if lucky get married.

2. still in pakitan cos of the family system girls r scared their brovs will find out so do it with extra precautions etc..

from example ive given tehmina durranis sis was a teen when she did it with tehminas husband Khar.

hey dod get that book, really interesting from any council library.

sorry but i don't believe in sex before marriage full stop

and girls are STUPIED ENOUGH to do that well more for them
Posted 04 Nov 2005

ashkhan says
i think any muslim is against that, strongly against, it. its imorral and illegal anywway. i wasnt talking about that, i jus gave examples that pakis in pakistan r eqaully as bad as westerners,

but what about the lifestyles of halfcasts.
Posted 04 Nov 2005

nikama says
most of the girls i would say 90 percent paki gals cant even imagine having sex b4 marriage.ash talked abt the exceptions.may be she is not very aware of paki culture
Posted 04 Nov 2005

ashkhan says
ofcourse i am, i am very aware of it, thats was my parents main thing to make sure their kids know about their culture. but even know pakistanis r showing in their dramas of chaging values, of pakistani people.

it isnt very common concept but ppl r aware of it.

yes perhaps my last statement pakis being equally as bad as westereners was too extreme, my bad.

but it is happening.
Posted 04 Nov 2005

ashkhan says
r halfcasts having id crisis or have reigeon confusion etc,,, thats my question.
Posted 04 Nov 2005

nikama says
half casts do have id crisis.they feel themselves diff. from the ppl of the country where they were born,and due to racial prejudices they become frustrated abt their id.and when they go to the country of their origin ppl out there also dont completely accept them coz their way of living seems so diff.half casts feel it really difficult to completely merge themselves in societies like pak and india.this makes them so confused.u know rap music was mainly the creation of these halfcasts.it has rhythm but not melody for the melody comes when u r perfectly at ease with yourself and the world around u.their lyrics,half punjabi,half gujrati half english only reveal their inner lack of balance.and negligence on the part of the parents is a vital cause of their imbalance.i feel sympathy for them because they suffer due to the act of their parents.
Posted 04 Nov 2005

ashkhan says
nah i don think they have id crisis, they have a new niche for them selves, a new identity. they have the best of both worlds.
Posted 05 Nov 2005

ashkhan says
i think they have more ease settling into bot societies.

but there r some of other culture half casts i know who r confused they dont have eithe rtheir dads or mums religeon, and they r total reckless ppl, they really bad.

do u think that inorder that not to happen both parents should b the same religeon even if they r from diff cultures.

i do cos then there would b no confusion, and no fight over which child the parent follows.

Posted 05 Nov 2005

Asian says
ashkhan said:

i think any muslim is against that, strongly against, it. its imorral and illegal anywway. i wasnt talking about that, i jus gave examples that pakis in pakistan r eqaully as bad as westerners,

but what about the lifestyles of halfcasts.

but thats my point, look it's not just in religion but Asian culture dipicts that NO SEX BEOFRE MARRIAGE, goray find it hard to understand that
Posted 06 Nov 2005

ashkhan says
ya but dont u think culture has a lot to do with religeon. asian culture look at paki culture, islam has defined out culture, and helped us prevent so far from a widespread wrong doings.

and compare that with indian culture, they r hindus and have limitless sex related crimes. even in their dramas and films its become a norm and ccepted thing, and many indian ppl r related to what is shown on screen

were both asians.

dont u think religeon defines who we r rather than culture, cos with culture we learn to adapt to our surrroundings.
Posted 06 Nov 2005

Asian says
yes but can you see how easy it is for an indian to mix with goray?

we CAN'T because we have set and defined rulings
Posted 06 Nov 2005

ashkhan says
yes thats true, but plz embellish on the point....., do u mean that we look fake with goray or anyother race,

but should there b a problem settling with another race even if they r from the same religeon...

can others plz rite into this post too....
Posted 07 Nov 2005

BadShaH1 says
surroundings do have an effect.
but in the end
its oneselfs own choice to take religion to any level they want
Posted 07 Nov 2005

ashkhan says
do u think its a goood idea esp for 1/2 casts to be serious about religeon or not?
Posted 07 Nov 2005

BadShaH1 says
concepts change
some time they get serious
faith doesent stay solid forever
Posted 07 Nov 2005

ashkhan says
thats being a human being.. only nabis's were perfect enough to do that.
Posted 07 Nov 2005

BadShaH1 says
Posted 07 Nov 2005

ashkhan says
but do u think its a good idea to b generously religeous,
enough to please god,
and enough to survive in this world?

and spacifically what about 1/2 castes who have inter culture marriges, is it good idea to make our religeon survie, and our culture, and the fact that its ok to marry like that?
Posted 07 Nov 2005

nikama says
now these halfcasts r gettin' on my nerves really.just let them live the way they want to.saanon ki
Posted 07 Nov 2005

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