AinT NOBODy Sw33T 3NoUGh!

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Age: 125
Total Posts: 13322
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United States, United States
Da way I feel its so freakin unreal
memories and histories
make dem books
their miseries
why write dem
when you dont even wanna remember dem.
There like nightmares
waiting to happens...
Oh hoLd
maybe they've already happened...
Teenage years
Why'd I listen to my stupid peers
what good does it do
to look back and ponder upon
no good very bad days.
Blinded by stupid folks
dumb jokes
unthinkable outragous
wrong folks
who took yah by da hook
swung yah around and through
yah right back into da pond.
who knew you'd stink like a fish
yah cant make no dish
so....damn ticklish
under dem feet
they say
laughter goes along ways
and what about dem
tears that mezmorise
upon dispicable
misleading friends
whose more more important
dem or him.
NONE yah all dont know
sh* lookin at me like
do you even know who I am
sure yah
Dont cause even I havent figured that out...
Im shoved into a corner
confused in my thoughts
wanting to hollar but aint got no spot
to breathe through and take a breath
huhhhh huhhhhhhhhh
whose lying
mimght be you cause it aint me
I see things very clearly...
This box im in
I dont know I feel
why Im here...but I feel any moment
today or tomorrow it will collapse
and dis is all I have. Where den will I go.
Who will let me bawl
on there freaking already wet shoulders
aint nobody sweet enough
...daz da freakin truth!
Posted 08 Nov 2005

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