Muslim Dynamics ISI - Osama-bin-Laden (OBL) Nexus

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Age: 2024
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One of many greatest foundations of Islam is truth. One of many ninety-nine titles of God is al-Haqq (the Truth) It is unfair to distort the reality, to provide falsehood as fact, or to provide half-truths as definitive declarations. Truth, alongside Goodness and Beauty, will be the three great transcendental facts that Islam and all other religions strive to help people towards both noticing and actualizing within our lives. In the Arabic/Islamic lexicon, they are called al-Haqq (the Truth), al-Ihsan (Goodness), and al-Jamaal (Beauty).
Regarding the reality, our Prophet, peace, and benefits upon him, shown people to wish, Allahumma Arenal Haqqa Haqqani was Zurqnat Tiba'ahu, "E God! Show people the reality as reality and bless people to follow it." The Qur'an gifts reality as a powerful, self-evident truth that's distinguishable from falsehood without the significance of external clarification (2:256). The pure existence of the simple truth is enough to dispel the clouds of night and falsehood (17:81). Therefore, a good objective of our faith is discovering and then following a truth.
One of many unfortunate effects of tragic and highly emotive events like the shootings that recently occurred at Fort Lid, Texas, is that such events are accustomed to advance times that by their very character produce a mockery of the truth. This function is no exception. Some seek to make use of this function to portray the Muslim community in that place as a natural menace whose very existence needs to be challenged. Touring the size and breadth of this place in the support of that community, I know this isn't the truth. The Muslim community in that place is really a peace-loving, law-abiding community that's in manners great and little advanced the typical welfare with this state and their citizenry. To provide it usually is really an evident lie.
Like any other community that's a reasonably large proportion of immigrants among its members, the Muslim community does have these aspects, especially older members or these freshly appeared from the Muslim earth whose strongest emotions, mental and national devices might be towards the lands they came from than to the united states they end up in. This really is true for many members of all immigrant populations. However, most of the time, such devices are not found among Muslims born and elevated here, or do they translate into animosity towards or even a desire to complete hurt to the country.  tafsir ahlam 
Stating that's never to deny the existence of Muslims who might be distressed by the injustices and inequities they find in American foreign plan, or the increasingly prejudicial or even improper attitudes being advanced by some parties towards America's Muslims. One of them is really a little minority whose anger and frustration might make them vulnerable to the attraction of demagogues who would attempt to use their thoughts to advance a nefarious agenda, or several factors might converge within their lives forcing them towards functions of violence against their other citizens. This might prove to be the event for Significant Nidal Malik Hasan, who has been determined whilst the shooter at Fort Lid, and additional random individuals. However, it's maybe not and never will undoubtedly be such a thing that will actually commence to strategy typical within our community.
Some will argue that the thing is these random "few" Muslims who might take at any time. That is obviously a problem. However, if the recent history with this place is any sign, these few have now been less in quantity and charge of much less carnage compared to the "few" from the non-Muslim citizenry, the postal individuals, senior high school or university students, or the random individuals who have clicked and removed to create chaos within our society. One of the fantastic disasters in this example is to view the offense Significant Hasan is being accused of as a particularly Muslim problem. It is a human problem and if it approached as a result possibly we could understand something from it that will help people to get at the sources of the violent outbursts which can be becoming increasingly popular within our society.
We could discuss the matter of violence at large within our society and we could discuss the matter of "Muslims" violence. What is unequivocally true about the latter, to the extent so it does occur, is that episodes contrary to the lives or homes of Americans in that place have nothing regarding Islam. There is several teachings from the normative corpus of Muslim political documents that allow a Muslim to break the protection of the general public square, to endanger the lives of most people, to strike non-combatant civilians, even in a battlefield condition, or even to aggress against troops who are maybe not in a battlefield. This really is particularly so where Muslims have joined into a specific or implicit covenant of protection from non-Muslim political authorities and constitute a distinct minority in a specific land.
Posted 28 Aug 2021

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