2. Do you need school preparation courses at all? And if so, what should they be?
I am sure that it is definitely not necessary to teach a child how to write letters and count, this is not the most important thing in preparing a child for school. It is better to pay attention to the child's psychological readiness to study at school, the child's emotional safety, so that he is not afraid, feels confident, knows his strengths, on which he can rely. Parents must support and trust that everything will work out. A child naturally has everything that is necessary for learning: curiosity, trust in the world, activity. And if he is comfortable and safe at school and at home, he will study with pleasure. I also advise you to pay attention to the child's self-organization and independence. As the child's routine changes, it is important that he knows his daily routine, knows how to dress and put on shoes himself.
I would also recommend developing fine motor skills in your child's hands before school. Because learning to write is a titanic work, and if it's hard for a child, he quickly loses strength, interest and desire to complete assignments. Pay attention to sculpting, cutting with scissors so that the future student can strengthen his hands.
3. How can you help your child develop the skill to finish something to the end? How to motivate him?
So that the child does not lose the desire to do something, it is necessary to record his progress in this matter. Even if this is minimal progress, you should praise the child and say that he can do even better. In schools, they now use green paste instead of red, to emphasize not mistakes, but what turned out well. This inspires the child, helps him to believe in his own strengths and capabilities https://lineserved.com/10th-class-books/
Also, do not remove the game from the child's life. This is extremely important. Children 5-6 years old have little life experience and through the game they learn how to emotionally react to situations, how to show their feelings, how to follow the rules and instructions. At the age of 7, the director's game is manifested, the child begins to fantasize, his imagination and creative thinking are connected. We load children with circles and sections, but we forget that play is the most natural and fun way to learn.