PS4 platform

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Age: 2024
Total Posts: 58
Points: 10

Any chance in the future to have the PS4 exporting. Would be nice for example if the editor could assign commands for gamepad buttons. Even if
there are plenty of devices to use mouse and keyboards on PS4.And for mobiles... how do you assign the right click? 
Posted 06 Oct 2021

christense says
After FIFA 21 came to an end and made space for the next generation, I was searching where can I Buy FIFA 22. There are a lot of websites which sell this game, but it could be expensive and not original. A friend of mine recommended me to try the website which he was using for a while: He suggested me to use this website, because the prices are very small and after purchase, the game key allows you to download, install and play FIFA 22 directly on Origin on PC. It seemed to be a nice idea. I recommend it to you with my {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}
Posted 06 Oct 2021

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