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Age: 124
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i made a paperclip necklace!
could i be any lamer?
i think not.

friday night
friends want to go bowling
i'm too tired
yet i'm bored
but i don't want to leave the house
kiya karoon?

Posted 19 Nov 2005

WAFA says
do what ur heart says
Posted 19 Nov 2005

maryam. says
my heart says "dhak-dhak..dhak-dhak...dhak-dhak..."

Posted 19 Nov 2005

dhak dhak dharke dil yeh maryam ka
Posted 19 Nov 2005

Bazigaar says
sell it make some money
Posted 19 Nov 2005

who is going to purchase it
Posted 19 Nov 2005

Ashii says
post a pic,, i may buy it

ahann,, bowling
nah yarr stay at home,, its sooo collddddddddddddddd
Posted 19 Nov 2005

Mrs sALL aap ghar main hi rahain log darr jain gay
Posted 19 Nov 2005

Ashii says
aur aap shatap ho ja'ain
warna aap ki halat dekh k bhi log darr ja'ain ge
Posted 19 Nov 2005

mr ya miss
Posted 19 Nov 2005

Desi_MC says
we went to Club 49
there we had competition.. drinkin'..........
n Nicolas won.......
damn it was mad fun....... cold... lil snow..... we were jumpin off the club n teasin doorman
i'll post the pics

Posted 19 Nov 2005

maryam. says
Posted 19 Nov 2005

Bazigaar says
put it on auction
Posted 19 Nov 2005

maryam. says
my heart?
it's not for sale
Posted 20 Nov 2005

~Fragi~ says

but ager kabhi yeh break hogaya tu tab sale kar dena

i m good purchaser of broken hearts
Posted 20 Nov 2005

maryam. says
i won't let it get broken.
i'm very careful.
Posted 20 Nov 2005

~Fragi~ says
well lets see
Posted 20 Nov 2005

Desi_MC says
maryam. said:

my heart?
it's not for sale

sumbody will gona steal it
Posted 20 Nov 2005

Bazigaar says
maryam. said:

my heart?
it's not for sale

i am interested in the thing u made not u;r heart..auction it
Posted 20 Nov 2005

maryam. says
the paperclip necklace?


i'll start off with $5...
Posted 20 Nov 2005

Paperclip necklace, how did you manage that?
Posted 22 Nov 2005

maryam. says
you just link paperclips together into a circular shape
and wala
you have your own necklace
who wouldn't want one? :p
it's totally in these days, haven't you heard? haha
Posted 22 Nov 2005

Bazigaar says
i usually make bracelets out of staple pins in my office
Posted 22 Nov 2005

Desi_MC says
hey wass happenin in Israel ??
who u voted??
Posted 22 Nov 2005

maryam. says
that's not as cool as a paperclip necklace bazi
staple pin bracelets were so yesterday
get with the program
sheesh kebabs!
Posted 22 Nov 2005

Bazigaar says
Desi_MC said:

hey wass happenin in Israel ??
who u voted??

i don;t vote
Posted 22 Nov 2005

Bazigaar says
maryam. said:

that's not as cool as a paperclip necklace bazi
staple pin bracelets were so yesterday
get with the program
sheesh kebabs!

chup ker..staple pins bracelet required more hard work..try it sometimes
Posted 22 Nov 2005

maryam. says
but they are so not cooler!
who cares about the work
when they aren't as
as paperclip necklaces
Posted 22 Nov 2005

Bazigaar says
they r cool..u;r just too young to understand what's in style and what not..u;ll grow up..worry not
Posted 22 Nov 2005

maryam. says
guess what i am doing right now at this very moment
well was doing before i stopped to reply

god i need a life!
Posted 22 Nov 2005

Bazigaar says
wow..can u knit me one too..plz..it;s more cold here then there
Posted 22 Nov 2005

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