real Bible CFNM

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Age: 2024
Total Posts: 58
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This is a run down of surprising stuff that is actually right there in the Bible.

This first set of stories is in the first book Genesis.

Lot and his daughters.
Lot and family are rescued by angels from the cities of Sodom and Gamorah before they are destroyed by God.
Mrs. Lot is struck dead for looking back. Now that the2 girls and their
dad are camped out together, the girls plot together to get dad drunk in
order to have sex with him.
So we know they would have to have panted him, jerked and sucked him,
then mounted him and rided him up and down, because that is what they
would have had to do for the sex to take place.

That story is really in there. The girls help talk eachother into it on
the excuse their might be no other men and the family line would die
out, but that is nonsense because all they would have had to do is ask
dad and he know their was a whole human race out there. So the the girls
were bullshitting themselves to excuse fucking daddy.

So you have both incest, and the female routine of avoiding accountability.

Very sexually aggressive female behavior

Posted 03 Nov 2021

vanessaar says
In that period, without incest, it was not even possible because otherwise, we would not exist now either. Even if we talk about the century we live in, I don't see the problem. Everyone has their own life, and we don't have the right to be interested in what happens to others in life. For example, I go to, and here I learned so many things about this field because if before I would be against and harmful. Now I realize that it doesn't make sense to argue or accuse someone because you won't change anything. Dr, if they want this to show on the net, it's already their job because their lives are in danger, not yours or someone else' {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}
Posted 03 Nov 2021

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