Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
Total Posts: 43596
Points: 0
Netherlands, Netherlands
Height Weight(in pounds)
5'2" 115-121
5'3" 120-129
5'4" 125-137
5'5" 130-145
5'6" 135-153
5'7" 140-161
5'8" 145-169
5'9" 150-177
5'10" 155-185
5'11" 160-193
6'0" 165-201
6'1" 170-209
6'2" 175-217
6'3" 180-225
Height Weight(in pounds)
4'11" 93-100
5'0" 98-102
5'1" 103-106
5'2" 106-112
5'3" 109-118
5'4" 112-124
5'5" 115-130
5'6" 118-136
5'7" 121-142
5'8" 124-148
5'9" 127-153
5'10" 130-158
5'11" 133-163
6'0" 136-168
Weights are in lbs and assume light clothing. Height is in stocking feet.
Weight ranges allow for frame size and musculature variations.
1" = 2.54 cm. 1lb = 0.454 kg