
Age: 125
Total Posts: 9
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
okie guys yesturday i was talking on the phone with my cousin from amercia. we were joking about how men can be dumbass's[:D]. but it lead to the topic of marriage[:(!][V]. she said to me every girl needs to marry 9if thay want a secure future. i said i'll marry when i'am 50[:p]. well i think it's not the mom's that are bothered with your marriage as it is the rest of your local comunity. i hate it. everywhere you go and eveyone you meet ask's "ARE U MARRIED?"[:(!].
do anyone of u guy's suffer this? hay bazu what's it like if your a boy do ppl still ask r u married?
o yeah and by the way JAZZIE WELCOME BACK[:p][:D][8D]