WanTed To WisH YoU a VERYYY HAPPy BIrthDay!I hope you have a wonderful one...lots of fun and happiness. And when
parties over maybe you'll have some peace.
Well My homeboy...I got you something for your party

I hope he'll do the trick...
teri chooti
Well from me something very special

Just dont open it right now
open it at your party.
I have nothing but good wishes for you.
GOod news...I mean how long will both of us stay the same age
(only 2 months)

Eat the cake...ALL OF IT....even on my behalf (honestly I dont like cake)

I even put exactly the right amount of candles on it. (just dont go
coutning it now...lolz).
I Wish I could give yah a BIG HUG
BUt I can keep on wishing its your bday
your wishes...
IM glad I met yah...
Cause your awesome
I wish more people
really get to know the real
awesome funny you
You've brought nothing
but happiness into my life
since I met you
your the greatest FRIEND