CBD for cancer treatment

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Age: 2024
Total Posts: 51
Points: 10

Hi all, the day before I read an article about a scientist, biologist and
professor from Israel working with CBD and cancer cells . They had a huge lab
in Israel, which is sponsored by the government for medical purposes. They grew
cancer in test tubes and then by treating most of the cancer cells with CBD,
they found that various traces of CBD killed the cancer cells. I don't know if
any human trials have been done, but I found the topic interesting . Has anyone
else heard or seen anything about this, I'm sure it's not new.
Posted 01 Feb 2022

Nandroid says
There is strong evidence to support the ideathat cannabinoids can reduce tumor growth in animal models of cancer. cbd may also enhance the absorption or effectiveness of certain drugs used to treat cancer. But so far all of this is just speculation, as there is not yet a single living person who has actually beaten this ailment with cbd, but I do know for sure that you can get rid of joint pain, with cbd pain cream canada. I have experienced this personally and I can say with certainty that it works.

Posted 01 Feb 2022

Zastavka says
Cannabis is so much more than "just"getting high! You know, if everyone knew what I know about cannabis, we'd
either have 100% legal marijuana before Christmas or a revolution! Theignorance in the US about cannabis is terrible!

Posted 01 Feb 2022

RonaldHall says
I also love CBD products for their natural and health benefits. I have cbd gummies which are the perfect solution if you want to live better and feel healthier. I think it brings a lot of new sensations and also allows you to sleep better. Good luck and don't worry.
Posted 02 Feb 2022

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