
Age: 125
Total Posts: 413
Points: 0
Australia, Australia
its finally time
for things to end
but neither you
can say goodbye
nor can i..
it feels like an eternity
knowing you..
but it feels like yesterday
when we first met..
your heart
says something
but ur lips forbid
my eyes reply..
without a word
being said..
your hands hold mine
and beg me...
to not let u leave
but this is not right
thats all i know
someone else
waits for you..
I close my eyes
and ask Allah
for strength..
please help me let go
please give me faith
my lashes..
shed a tear
your palm cuddles it
before it falls..
when i look up..
into your eyes..
i realise that tear
was not mine
but yours..
i want to hold you
and never let go..
instead i move back
this is for the best
i tell you..
we will meet
as long as
theres hope
i'll always
be near you
you'll only have to go
as far
as a thought
you are mine..
more than you know
as you leave..
i am all numb
only one question
bothers me..
i asked Allah
to bless you
with all
but why didn’t i
ever ask for you..