’ cruel numbers ’

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France, France

Posted 23 Dec 2005

Ashii says
There are numerous myths prevalent in our society regarding child abusers. One popular myth is that STRANGERS mostly abuse children. In 2004 there were a total of 2876 abusers who sexualy assaulted 1567 children. Acquaintances are the major perpetrators of the crime.

In Pakistan most of the people are not willing to accept the involvement of various groups in child sexual abuse. people tend to deny the sexual abuse by acquaintances because

* its a very difficult situation to deal with
* A child sexual offender is generally percieved as a pshychopath of looks evil
* Its s thought that abusers are generally poor and illetrate people
* people belonging to certain profession and having a certain kind of appearance are considered as being "safe"

but here is the TRUTH
Posted 23 Dec 2005

Ashii says
It is often percieved that this phenomenon is practically non-existance in our society. Our data shows 1.66% of incest cases were reported in the yr 2004. Mostly in these cases the mother was the one who mustered up enough courage to finally take action and approach the police. In all reported cases the crime was rape ot the daughter.

given the fact that our family structure is totally depedant economically and otherwise on the male head of the family and the 'indisputable' status that a husband enjoys, makes it most likely that cases of incest will not get reported. However these statistics confirms the existance and regular occurance of incest in our society.

famale abettor
ther s an increase in the number of female abettors. it has serious consequences since women have so far been cosidered as safe custodians of children.

other abusers
in 2004 there were 44 teachers, 31 policemen and 25 molvis involved in such cases. these low numbers of professional people doesnt necessarily mean that this is reflective of the reality. Individuals belonging to these professions weild a great amount of power, influence and authority no only vis-à-vis the children but also in society. Morever there is an element of sanctity involved in professions such as religious teaching which also prevents disclosure.
Posted 23 Dec 2005

too bad...
Posted 23 Dec 2005

Few things move me, this is one of them, I feel angry and upset after reading this. But it's fair enough showing stats and revealing that this is a problem and that the victims/their parents should speak up about it, but how do you prevent it from happening in the first place?
Posted 24 Dec 2005

Ashii says
same here tesh
im against the major punishment but these ppl...... im able to kill all of them with my own hands

how to prevent ????
b friend with ur children,, talk to them, explain them, give them love and confidence
dont ignore them,, agar woh thori deir k liye bhi pareshan ya 'abnormaly behave' karein to try to understand them
i wont say that u shd not trust ppl,, but dont b afraid to face such situations, dont b afraid of 'wot ppl wd say'
protect ur children, and children of others

Allah miyan sab k bachon ko galt logon se bachae rakhein
Posted 24 Dec 2005

BadShaH1 says
It goes on and on the fight between good n evil.
Posted 25 Dec 2005

the_one says
hell, these numbers ARE cruel.
how could a person hurt a child.i mean i don't know any child that has ever hurt anyone.
how could anyone in their right mind would hurt a child?
:( :(
Posted 28 Dec 2005

nikama says
i know a lady who works for sahil,an n.g.o that is working against this evil.and as sall said,these statistics are not truely reflective of the situation on the ground.most of the cases r not reported,in many cases child does not tell his family abt the tragedy he has gone through.i'm at loss of words...ALLAH reham kare
Posted 28 Dec 2005

Ashii says
BadShaH1 said:

It goes on and on the fight between good n evil.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is
for good men to do
par khair,, as u said it goes on and on

the_one said:

hell, these numbers ARE cruel.
how could a person hurt a child.i mean i don't know any child that has ever hurt anyone.
how could anyone in their right mind would hurt a child?
:( :(

believe me they all are not psychos
they r ppl like you or me,, atleast dikhne mei

nikama said:

i know a lady who works for sahil,an n.g.o that is working against this evil.and as sall said,these statistics are not truely reflective of the situation on the ground.most of the cases r not reported,in many cases child does not tell his family abt the tragedy he has gone through.i'm at loss of words...ALLAH reham kare

yeh SAHIL k stats hi hein
who s that lady nikamma ??   can u tell us more abt how they work ??
Posted 29 Dec 2005

nikama says
last time i met her she was visiting some schools etc.to as they say create awareness.so far the n.g.o is working well.with the help of local authorities,they have placed posters on almost all the public paces,parks,bus stops etc.on these posters telephone numbers of city police officers,local admins,sahil office r given so anyone could report immediately should such an incident occurs.sahil also offers legal advice to the parents of the victims.thats what i know for the moment,but i 'll try to contact the lady she is a friend of my sis,so wait till then
Posted 29 Dec 2005

Ashii says
I personaly know (or have met) such ppl few yrs ago

a teenager and his friends who tried to abuse a 13yrs old girl,,, a sweet little girl that i know since her childhood,, she didnt share it with anyone,, she only talked to me and my sis as we r vv close,, woh bhi 2 yrs baad
that guy's sisters knew abt all wot happend

in few months i ve seen that girl changing so quickly,, but i was only 19 i didnt understand anything, even her mother didnt get y she was so irritating and upset,,
unhein yehi laga k its teenage crisis
these few minutes ruined her childhood her innocence
im happy that she s came out of it and living a normal n vvv happy life,,, but she s unable to forget it

so plz plzzz
open ur eyes,, and protect these little angels
be careful of these ppl who may b vv vv close to you,,
protect others children as they were ur own
Posted 29 Dec 2005

nikama says
yes,but sall,according to unicef,there are in lahore alone some 55000 sex workers and some 14000 out of them are children.we speak nonstop about islam but our practices are worse than non muslims's.
Posted 29 Dec 2005

Ashii says
Sahil is doing a good job yar,,
but i think they dont cover whole country,, sirf punjab/isb mei hein yeh log
it wd be great if more ppl were there to help them
ask that lady if they are looking for more volontiers in other cities

can u imagine the total number of sex workers in whole pak
honestly,, i ve nothing against these ppl
they exist coz there is a DEMAND,, they r here to offer their services (it doesnt mean they r innocents)
but they are not responsible for anything
we have an approx number of sex workers,, do anyone know number of ppl visiting them ??????
Allah miyan hum logon ko akal de
Posted 02 Jan 2006

valandrian says
Posted 20 May 2018

Posted 20 Sep 2018

Posted 27 Oct 2018

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