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Age: 125
Total Posts: 357
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miss u parents just left 2day n i miss them soooo much ...i cried like hell before they left (of course never in front of them)...n my mom cried like hell at the airport ... n i got down for a lil bit but i gotta remember they r going for such a good thing...i just miss them ...oh i forgot to tell u ...i had to take a spontaneous trip to LA on thursday nite (the 22nd) and actually stayed in fresno thursday nite n then went to LA on 2 hours of sleep the next morning n stayed at my cousins n my sis took the phone so i couldnt call u or see u...n i couldnt visit half my family..only some ppl who came cuz i had gotten no sleep n we left that day (friday) n i drove (on about 3 hours of sleep) back home n got here around 2 in the morning...all for the hajj so sorry i had absolutely no way of coming n seeing u, didnt even visit my mamoo or khala..i really wanted to tell u that i came there so i hope i can drive there soon cuz i know the way now n im not that scared ...k this became long...will talk later...miss u like hell i love you soooo much... muaaah....bye
Posted 27 Dec 2005

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