my film!!!!

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Age: 38
Total Posts: 433
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
well all i want to say in this fourm is that i am making a film well not A film but 2 maybe depends how long does it take me to do the first one. its not a huge budget film at all and its not gnna be shown in any cinema or a TV channel that is if they decide they want to promote it coz i will try to contact some tv channels and stuff and lets see wat they say!!! the director is ofcourse as the producers the camera is not actually a proper film camera but a mini DV camera to start my work wit and lets see wat happens.... the actors are not like well known at all they are just like one of us... and in my opnion they are very good better then the some stupid bunch whi have just took over the film industery with no acting and they tell u that they can act most of them dont even know how to act... these films will be made under my company banner DreamWorld Productions ....

but like if any of u like wanaa see them wen there finish just email me at my company address which is [email protected] and please pleae pray taht i can finish this on time and it turn out to be a big success ... this is one of my goals for this year soo please pray for me in ur prayrer..
and a happy new year to u all .... thank you
Posted 02 Jan 2006

aanizdabst says
sos the email is [email protected]

sos about the mistake thnx
Posted 02 Jan 2006

Desi_MC says

makin a movie w mini DV n u expect fo big turn out
r u nut
where u gona shoot ?
btw if its end on the January i can help u out with many stuff...
crew.... pedestrains.... graphics....
coz im visitin' UK in january for my video song...
which is gona be shoot at southall, tesco, a-z london...
its sponsored by Desi Express and FevaRecords...

holla at me fo more info
Posted 02 Jan 2006

aanizdabst says
i dont think so that this is something to laugh about. if our own pakistani film industry isant willing to promote the new talent then someone has to do something them self and that wat am doing am doing everything m,y self now... am sick and tired of calling like all the pakistani tv channels and trying to get hold of some one who can listen to me and my ideas to improve but wat they say is "can u just hold on i'll connect u to the right person instead it they connect me to some security person and that person connetc me to the news room, then that person connect me to the kitchen wat a hell man they cant even speak or understand english propally..
even tried calling uk pakistani tv channels all theysaid snd us ur CV and experiance i have sent my cv and experiance list but they are so unprofessional they neva reply.... none of them did heyyy but i sdnt wana get in this Crap now... anywayz ppl hav made short films with mini DV's and shown in film festivals and they have turned out to be big success so wat if its a mini DV am still using it.... i know i can do this and do it better then the usual stuff whuich is out and 100% better then over so called new director who clamied that this is there first ever exepriance in film industry wen they have like 1000% experiance and clamis any wyzz ... thnx for offering help but i am gnna do this on my own but if i need help ill getin tuch wit u thnx again... and sos if i said anything ronggg..... good luck wit ur vdo..

andswer to ur ques....

well i live in england so ofcourse am shootin in england in my local area wer i live and am staring too shoot around feb time wen the summer kicks in...
Posted 03 Jan 2006

taify says
It's a nice try but i doubt if any one will be watching it!
Posted 03 Jan 2006

Sounds crap !!!
Posted 03 Jan 2006

aanizdabst said:

i dont think so that this is something to laugh about. if our own pakistani film industry isant willing to promote the new talent then someone has to do something them self and that wat am doing am doing everything m,y self now... am sick and tired of calling like all the pakistani tv channels and trying to get hold of some one who can listen to me and my ideas to improve but wat they say is "can u just hold on i'll connect u to the right person instead it they connect me to some security person and that person connetc me to the news room, then that person connect me to the kitchen wat a hell man they cant even speak or understand english propally..
even tried calling uk pakistani tv channels all theysaid snd us ur CV and experiance i have sent my cv and experiance list but they are so unprofessional they neva reply.... none of them did heyyy but i sdnt wana get in this Crap now... anywayz ppl hav made short films with mini DV's and shown in film festivals and they have turned out to be big success so wat if its a mini DV am still using it.... i know i can do this and do it better then the usual stuff whuich is out and 100% better then over so called new director who clamied that this is there first ever exepriance in film industry wen they have like 1000% experiance and clamis any wyzz ... thnx for offering help but i am gnna do this on my own but if i need help ill getin tuch wit u thnx again... and sos if i said anything ronggg..... good luck wit ur vdo..

andswer to ur ques....

well i live in england so ofcourse am shootin in england in my local area wer i live and am staring too shoot around feb time wen the summer kicks in...

u know what dude the people who r laughing on u and saying it crap are all nutts them selves im with u man i made my first short play on minidv cam and we won the ceritficate for best eiditing and post production so dont be dis heart by these so called idiots beleive in urself and i know u can make it im with u any help ant assistance jus pm me arrite man all da very best for ur project rock on.
Posted 03 Jan 2006

one more thing i wana mention for so called genious people out there that most of the short films and documentries shown in kara film festival this year were made on minidv and dv cam arrite.
Posted 03 Jan 2006

Abrardh1 says
Best of Luck to you
Posted 03 Jan 2006

hmmm of luck
Posted 03 Jan 2006

best of luck
Posted 03 Jan 2006

aanizdabst says
well thnx to trhose ppl how are on mmy side and also to those who have just lafd like there ois no tomaro or wat so ever... am not really boter if they are lafin io know i can do it so am not really bother or hurt by there view its just wat they belive and i belive i can do this i dont need anything other then that ofcourse i need ur bst wishsh which some of u already have so a big thnx to therm... i just wana say to those who just lafd point less 'GROW UP'...!
Posted 03 Jan 2006

bro dont listen to know you can do it
Posted 03 Jan 2006

is it gonna be love story or action?
Posted 07 Jan 2006

aanizdabst says
we hav to many action crap happend in the past so no its more like a romantic family drama type...
Posted 08 Jan 2006

aanizdabst said:

we hav to many action crap happend in the past so no its more like a romantic family drama type...

you can make it in good action movie
Posted 08 Jan 2006

aanizdabst says
erm i can but we need a break from action movies!!!!!!
Posted 09 Jan 2006

Ghayas says
Best Of Luck
Posted 09 Jan 2006

MR NICE says
You shouldn't worry what other people say. Just go ahead and prove the doubters wrong. Personally I would like to see short films being made on 35mm film instead of DV Cameras with that you will get more exposure and in turn you can submit your work all round the world.

You have already have mentioned that you have budget constraints but I cannot understand the people back home who are making films in the name of Independent Cinema. None of them have made films on 35mm. They are just wasting their time.
Posted 09 Jan 2006

aanizdabst says
well i want to take my 1 step with wat ever i can then inshallah if one day i get recginze and if u market that work in secially pakistan all u gnna hear is stupid comments of some retartd ppl who them self dnt knw anything abt that professin but anywayz inshallah i will have good equipments and stuff but for now my DV cam is my pal to making that films which i want to make... and i know taht they will inshallah be good. p.s. me and my frinds whome are helping me in the project which i have tlkd abt in this fourm are putting wat ever saving we have and producing this films.... so i knw that it will be good.
Posted 10 Jan 2006

valandrian says
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