a new so called "ENDLESS STORY"

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Age: 125
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India, India
once upon a time there was a king & a queen.
Posted 07 Jan 2006

Posted 07 Jan 2006

Ayesha says
phir....phir... phir phurrr
Posted 07 Jan 2006

Imraan says
I guess Ive asked e'body o'er there to make additions in my story not to use stupid words like "PHIR....." and just finish my story b4 it begins very bad queen very bad I expected this only frm u.     
Posted 07 Jan 2006

arau bhai main nay to phir is liye likha tha kay aagay kiya hua
Posted 07 Jan 2006

once upon a time there was a king & a queen.
the king was so rude and the queen was so kind hearted wid ppl
Posted 07 Jan 2006

SohniKuddi says
The king was forced to step down because of his obnoxiousness.....and SohniKuddi was crowned the new ruler...............
Posted 09 Jan 2006

SohniKuddi says
Bow down to your Queen....(Me)
Posted 09 Jan 2006

nice to meet u
Posted 09 Jan 2006

takin the full advantage of the situation the king fRanky of the distant damned land attacked the queensland killed the king and kidnapped the beautiful certain female and took her with him whilst moving back to the faroe islands he saw some..
Posted 11 Jan 2006

taify says
..lions and he got scared some voice is heard and a handsome man came with a sword and killed the lions the franky thanked him and in the meantime the queen is awake and starts shouting.Taify comes to know that King is evil so he kills the King with his sword and takes Queen with himself back to Queen's land.
Posted 11 Jan 2006

poor taify doesnt knoe that king franky is already damned and crucified so no use killin a dead king..king frank jr appeared again in the queensland..and this time he so determined and offcourse furious to get his meena(dracula scene   )back..
Posted 12 Jan 2006

SohniKuddi says
i'm all confused now


So Queen SohniKuddi, hears the news of the unlawful kidnapping of a valued patron to the queensland...lady Meena heir to the throne. She was delighted of the safe return of lady Meena and asked to to meet this one...Taify.

"You have done a great deed, as your reward, i knight thee....SIR Taify of....(the queens land)"

there was chaos throughout the land, as the news of this damned induvidual spread like wildfire, the safety of Lady Meena was at great risk, Queen SohniKuddi ordered for the army of the land:

"I have heard much about this Frankenstein," she said to the army general

"Take SIR Taify, and bring me this induvidual, at the mean time we must ensure the safety of Lady Meena, we must escort her to a far away place until the capture of Frankenstein, he must pay for what he has bestowed upon the people of my Land"

Sir taify was then ordered to take Lady Meena, to be her guard, to protect her.... for he was her savior.

soldiers lines the streets in search of Frankenstein. Armed men slept with an eye open as they guarded the all what was ruled by Queen SohniKuddi as she sat at her window, staring out into the vast emptyness....her land. Now with Lady Meena, safely taken with sir Taify to a far away land as reservations were made for her at the Kingdom of.....hearts (lol)the King of that land a close aquaintance of Queen SohniKuddi promised to provide Lady Meena a safe surrounding until the chaos at the queensland had been resolved.
Queen SohniKuddi sighed...after the fall of the "Obnoxious" king, the land was finally stepping into "Civilisation" but now an obstacle lay in their path....Frankenstein, who waited in the shadows for his love, his life...lady Meena.
Posted 12 Jan 2006

king frank tricked taify and the whole world too..the queen sent taify with meena a poor maid..frank has got nothing onn with her..
frank wants to get hhis old love meena born again as sohnikuddi back..
Posted 13 Jan 2006

SohniKuddi says
oye, make ur mind up....it's LADY meena u want, she aint no maid, shes heir to sohnikuddi's throne, i'm the queen so if i sez so, then so it be's.
besides, Queen Sohnikuddi doesn't believe in reincarnation...

So where was I.

As the sun began to set, darkness swept throughout, far far far far away, where Lady Meena rests in the Kingdom of hearts, her guardian Taify watched her as she slept.
all was silent, but then...................

Posted 15 Jan 2006

as she awakes by the noise of the door knock a peasent yells theres a letter for you my highness and guess what she gets a letter from her beloved frank..see what it states:

meeena o my dear meeena
u cant run from me o meena..my love is never ending..
no taify can keep u from me..It be all fool-talk..lock..stock..and..barrel..thats what it be..n nowt else.These bans and wafts and boh-ghosts an' barguests and bogles and all anent them is only fit to set bairns and dizzy women a-belderin.They be nowt but air-blebs. They and all grims and signs and warnin's..be all invented by parsons and illsome beuk-bodies and railway touters to skeer an' scunner hafflin's..and to get folks to do
somethin' that they don't other incline to.It makes me ireful to think o them. Why, its them that not content with printin' lies on paper and preachin them out of pulpits, does want to be cuttin' them on the tombsteans. Look here all around you in what you'll find me..i everywhere..u cant run from me..i having my examinations goin onn afterwards ill be there and ull be near.. i promiss

ur eternal lover
Munich at 8:35 P.M
1427 bc

the letter scared the sh*t outta her..she called taify discussed about the matter and decided its not safe here anymore planned to move to a new secure place..taify sent a message to the queen sohni via a messenger askin her for permissions to move to a new place..the messenger is supposed to reach the queen in 6 days from now and they will have to weight untill the messenger returns..and they are almost at the edge of the food stocks..that was a major concern..and in this deep jungle almost anything can happen to them and then all of a sudden...
Posted 17 Jan 2006

o God
story main twist
whr is starter Imraan
Posted 17 Jan 2006

SohniKuddi says
Eh?......what the....

i'll add later, right now i'm gonna get my dictionary/thesaurus and make sense of Frankenstein's letter

Shpeeeka in Inglish!

yeah Your Majesty, wheres that Imraan G gone?
Posted 18 Jan 2006

lolz@sohnikuddi then ull need atleast five days to solve the conundrum
Posted 19 Jan 2006

I think imraan story perh kay is ko picturize kernay ki tayyari ker raha hai
Posted 19 Jan 2006

SohniKuddi says
lolzzz kisi aur k kaam ka faida uttaana...typical munda

I'm working on it Franky, already sweatin
Posted 19 Jan 2006

its more of code word sort of a thing..only my meena can understand truely what it means..may be its a love spell..lolz@sohnikuddi
Posted 20 Jan 2006

Imraan says
oh my GOD!
           wat has happened to my sweet started story plz u ppl dont write long essays atleast 4 to 5 lines only coz e'body should get chance and can write I hope u can undrstnd & well the idea of "PICTURIZATION" given by respected QUEEN VICTORIA is quite good & has forced me to think about dat well keep going coz i am not gonna add any line to my story its all up to u ppl but plz I want my movie to b the biggest hit ever so keep going and plz dont u dare distroy my story coz I dont want to make a known flop movie.      
Posted 20 Jan 2006

max pow3r says
yar jus turn give up a climax of this story .now its gettin bore As "Landa Bazaar"
Posted 22 Jan 2006

its a half tyme..maxxxcci
sohni@what ru upto..its ur turn..u takin long
Posted 23 Jan 2006

SohniKuddi says
I give up...i aint solving the letter, i'll leave that to meena...

Imraan......wht the, ur the topic starter,,, the guy starts the story and only comes back to critisize other ppl's "creativeness" hahahahahahahaha. why don't you just add.

and yeah as u said Franky, it'll take 6 days for the message to get to Queen SohniKuddi...so until then.......rab rakha
Posted 23 Jan 2006

SohniKuddi says
ok ok, until she gets the message

Our Lady Meena and her guardian Taify walk through the woods, searching for a place to stay, it wasn't safe at the kingdom of hearts, Frankenstein had found their whereabouts and could come searching for his lady anytime.

as they walked through the dirt covered path, the clouds threatened rain, lady meena turned to sir Taify

"it looks like rain, maybe we should find temporary, shelter for the time being"

"My lady, there is no stopping, how are we to know if Frankenstein seeks us, if we stop we are only delaying our journey to safety"

"But sir Taify, what if it rains"

"then my lady....we get wet"

Lady Meena, raised an eyebrow and looked at sir taify who now walked ahead, he turned and beckoned her to come. Now deep in the jungle, our heroine in deep thought, she thoughht to herself, 'why am i running? why am i allowing people to make arrangements for me?What about what I want, i know what i want and i don't want to run, that idiot SohniKuddi can get lost for all i care, if she thinks i will be her follower then she got another thing coming'....lady meena stopped. Sir taify..looking puzzled he turned to her,

"what are you doing my lady?"

"Nothing" said lady meena

"we must get a move on, it's getting late"

"No, i will not run anymore, i want to stay, i will not move from here, i shall wait for my Frankenstein, and no one will stop me"

"Lady Meena, i have been given specific orders, to ensure your safety to be your guardian, and that is what i shall do, i shall tend to my duty and nothing will stop me, inculding the subject matter"

"No, i will not move"

(There, we're making this Meena sound like a bimbo...so now, she has a mind of her own , oh yeah.. sorry Imraan if it's too long for you, frankly...i don't care , not many ppl post in this section so if you give everyone a chance to post then...ur gona have a very short story, anywayz..i am th queen of thsi section    )
Posted 23 Jan 2006

the spell appears to be working damn good..meena confronts sir taify in the deep dark forest and refuses to move along..i just didn’t care at all says taify but women are always accusing me of being unkind..my first wife said I was rude and unkind..i walked on her bcoz she was more interested in politics then in me…fine by me go anywhere u want..u got nothing not even a mule and u cant walk to the town..so ull need me anyways..
meena thinks for a while and then decides t0o accompany him as long as they’re outta the jungle..
the rains starts and its getting dark as well..they need a shelter.. a lil far they see a hut but the hut is looking haunted meena utters..we got no choice taify replies..they move towards quickly…on the way taify finds a dagger having fresh blood on it..we got company here..both speaks at the same tyme…and then appears a one legged freak..
Posted 26 Jan 2006

max power says
now this story getting bore franki jus give a climax
Posted 26 Jan 2006

u can add something..ur all allowed..lolz
Posted 26 Jan 2006

max power says
yar acctually i didn't read it compltely, n for adding something i had to read this all posts .sooo im sorry
Posted 26 Jan 2006

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