ok ok, until she gets the message
Our Lady Meena and her guardian Taify walk through the woods, searching for a place to stay, it wasn't safe at the kingdom of hearts, Frankenstein had found their whereabouts and could come searching for his lady anytime.
as they walked through the dirt covered path, the clouds threatened rain, lady meena turned to sir Taify
"it looks like rain, maybe we should find temporary, shelter for the time being"
"My lady, there is no stopping, how are we to know if Frankenstein seeks us, if we stop we are only delaying our journey to safety"
"But sir Taify, what if it rains"
"then my lady....we get wet"
Lady Meena, raised an eyebrow and looked at sir taify who now walked ahead, he turned and beckoned her to come. Now deep in the jungle, our heroine in deep thought, she thoughht to herself, 'why am i running? why am i allowing people to make arrangements for me?What about what I want, i know what i want and i don't want to run, that idiot SohniKuddi can get lost for all i care, if she thinks i will be her follower then she got another thing coming'....lady meena stopped. Sir taify..looking puzzled he turned to her,
"what are you doing my lady?"
"Nothing" said lady meena
"we must get a move on, it's getting late"
"No, i will not run anymore, i want to stay, i will not move from here, i shall wait for my Frankenstein, and no one will stop me"
"Lady Meena, i have been given specific orders, to ensure your safety to be your guardian, and that is what i shall do, i shall tend to my duty and nothing will stop me, inculding the subject matter"
"No, i will not move"
(There, we're making this Meena sound like a bimbo...so now, she has a mind of her own

, oh yeah.. sorry Imraan if it's too long for you, frankly...i don't care

, not many ppl post in this section so if you give everyone a chance to post then...ur gona have a very short story, anywayz..i am th queen of thsi section
