wasup guys and grls, I thot it would be cool to have a thread where everyone shares his/her funny moments..u can share more than one heheehehe

all start wid myn whihc wud nvr ends lol 2 many stories 2 tell......
I remember one time i was buying groceries wit my mom in a place known as desiville and i saw this punjabi guy wearing a shower cap over his turban
haahahahahaah ok ok i dunt mean to crack on sikh ppl..i got sikh frends but i have to admit..it was a pretty funny sight.... a white turban poking out from underneath a blue showercap with yellow duckies. IM SERIOUS!!!
this happened a few weeks ago. This english teacher whom i don't know well(just his name) came into the library and sat on the computer besides me. I was working on my project . All of a sudden he kicked my foot! I ignored but he kicked again and then i looked at him. he said" i know u can't ignore me!" Well that was a surprise to me. I replied back that offcourse i can ignore u (i wasn't mad. i had heard that he acts funny). I got back to my work and then he asked me about my project. i told him abt it. he was all like" oh yeah..i need to turn my room into a solar one too..ok the contract is done..now ur hired!" i figured out he was fooling around (the school was cancelled due to a snowday). only 4 ppl in all were in library at that time. he started putting marks in the computer. I asked him does he have a load there to take care off? his response was "hell..yeah". no kiddin! this is wat he said almost shouting. khair i managed to take off from there!
After a week i was standing with my friends at the front doors and that teach was coming towards us. We had an exam that day so every1 was serious. my friends r his students so when he came near, he stopped and all of a sudden started acting like a freestyler! this was my chance to settle the score so i said "What's Up, Homie" in a heavy voice! u can imagine..everyone is serious and all of a sudden this happens. my friends they all cracked up and that teach he left right away!