
Age: 44
Total Posts: 113
Points: 0
Chaklala, Pakistan
Well, folks this is my first topic over here...but i felt strongly about this issue......there has been talk going on about sending our Pakistani troops to Iraq to clean up Americas mess of the war on it is not clear that who the hell is even supporting the idea in our hierarchy of power....but considering the daily state of affairs of Iraq and the condition of our country i say we are not in a position to send troops to Iraq and morally it is not correct as the leading Islamic state to send our troops to another Muslim land as part of an occupying there is talk here of us sending our troops to Iraq just because India is doing the same....(latest news is India has refused to send its troops but we cant even refuse because we owe America so much even our freedom, if there is any left[:P])....anyways....we have enuff on our hands we have to guard our eastern borders against a permanent threat and our western borders now thanks to our support on the war on terrorism we have a hostile Afghan govt which already has started a mini campaign in our tribal areas in the name of getting the taliban and al i am a guy who was against the war in iraq since the beginning and if it is over(i'm not a particular Saddam fan but i think he deserved to die at the hands of his own ppl rather than a bunch of gun wielding cowboys...) and now watching the events unfold in Iraq and how the Americans behave especially with the bodies of Uday and makes my blood boil...never mind they were murderers but they are Muslims also....there should be a proper code of conduct of burying them and treating them as war dead...not as some scums u picked off the streets and thats waht the impression the Americans gave...and its no wonder that they die daily in a spate of attacks and they ask us why we hate them?......and if we want to see our pakistani troops die on a daily scale like the Americans in a useless exercise then i bleeive we are as good as dead as a nation.....we are just passing off our time as a sore thumb on this planet.....but if we think that the idea of our troops in Iraq under American command is wrong in all sense of this word....then i need u folks to use ur power of eloquence and speak out becasue it affects all of us Pakistanis as they are our country's soldiers and they will be representing us.....for someone who supports the Iraqis against the Americans i want my govt to speak out against the unjust invasion and throw out any idea of sending troops there....because let alone the eyes of the Muslim world.....there will come a dawn that i will be too shame faced to look at myself in the mirror and say that i am a proud Pakistani because of seeing my ppl die at the hands of fellow Muslims and for nothing!!!