Reema to start new film soon

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Reema is going to direct another movie. The script of the movie is about the young generation. Khaleel-ur-Reh-man Qamar, the writer of the movie, has almost completed the script

The music unfortunately is going to given by some third rate indian music director which is very sad and a bad choice by Reema.

One of the reasons why KTSK did so well because of the brilliant music by the late Amjad Bobby.

The new film by Reema will also have special computer effects.

It is hoped Reema will start the shooting of new film soon.
Posted 07 Mar 2006

Honeynrrn says
Good.Looking forward to whatever Reema's comes up with.
Posted 07 Mar 2006

paki lion says
MR NICE said:

Reema is going to direct another movie. The script of the movie is about the young generation. Khaleel-ur-Reh-man Qamar, the writer of the movie, has almost completed the script

The music unfortunately is going to given by some third rate indian music director which is very sad and a bad choice by Reema.

One of the reasons why KTSK did so well because of the brilliant music by the late Amjad Bobby.

The new film by Reema will also have special computer effects.

It is hoped Reema will start the shooting of new film soon.

well sorry to say that, but the music was a bit disappointing...and u are right, about reema's choice for using third rate indian music director..either she has to choose first class indian music director or pakistani music director...anyway i am looking forward to her new movie, and it is good reema has chosen subject about young generation..because lollywodo hardly made any movie about young generation..
Posted 07 Mar 2006

sounds gud.
Posted 07 Mar 2006

I think our film maker should get rid of this husband wife subject...something new with college and younger generation.
Posted 08 Mar 2006

golimaro2 says
waiting anxiously 4 her next movie but i feel disappointment at her music ditector choice i dont expect such thing from her
Posted 08 Mar 2006

reema has heavily influenced with indian culture..his views about pakistan and pakistani are not matching in the lastest movie..
Posted 08 Mar 2006

aanizdabst says
any wyas all i knw is that this movie is gnna hagve mommer rana, maybe her self and that guy who playted sikh in her film will play 18-19 year old students or maybe younger wen they dnt even look that younger they look old now... i kmight be wrong but taht just a guess.... by the way when is her movie koi tujhsa kaha coming out on DVD????????
Posted 08 Mar 2006

reema is now not suitable for herione role..she should introduce new people despite of indian actress.
Posted 09 Mar 2006

MR NICE says
Talking of a film on the young generation just saw Mujhe Chand Chahiye on DVD last night. What a film. I have seen it few times but I still love it. The film is not available in Pakistan on DVD. I got the print here in UK. Its a good print with English subtitles.

It not just Reema who is getting heavily influened by the Indians even Humayoun Saeed is doing the same thing and they are others. Then you have channels like Geo who are telecasting the Film Fare awards live and are boasting about it.

It is a sad fact but here I Salute people like Shoaib Mansoor and Saqib Malik who have full faith in Paksiani talent.

By the way according to an Urdu Daily Rahat Ali Khan is going to India soon to give music to Sanjay Leena Bansani's next film. If it is true then this is some news.

Love to see what the likes of Reema and Hamayoun Saeed have to say.
Posted 09 Mar 2006

yea quite right..
shan is very talented director as well as actor..
he should continue to direct the movie...
I also like Mujhey chand's very good movie.
Posted 09 Mar 2006


reema is now not suitable for herione role..she
should introduce new people despite of indian actress.

ok what if reema quit from lollywood! there wont be any other actress
who can be compared with her!
obviously, everyone gets old day by day, month by month, year by year!
but cant we just look back to her career and see what exactly she has
done for our lolylwood industry, that no one has ever done?
i mean lets say madhuri dixt, used to be a glamerous girl, now that she's
turning OLD that doesnt mean that we should stop watching her movies
jus' because you'll feel embarrised!, even you'll be sooner become OLD!
NO human could ever stick up with their same age, and with their same
style!, but "intellegence" could never vanish from us!
I like Reema and i will alwayz be her fan!

Posted 09 Mar 2006

London_Girl said:


reema is now not suitable for herione role..she
should introduce new people despite of indian actress.

ok what if reema quit from lollywood! there wont be any other actress
who can be compared with her!
obviously, everyone gets old day by day, month by month, year by year!
but cant we just look back to her career and see what exactly she has
done for our lolylwood industry, that no one has ever done?
i mean lets say madhuri dixt, used to be a glamerous girl, now that she's
turning OLD that doesnt mean that we should stop watching her movies
jus' because you'll feel embarrised!, even you'll be sooner become OLD!
NO human could ever stick up with their same age, and with their same
style!, but "intellegence" could never vanish from us!
I like Reema and i will alwayz be her fan!

whole reema's career is crap..stupid dance..acting..and direction..
reemas herself belongs to tafaif family..
those people who like mahduri dixit never be liked reeema..
that's a reason reema feels..and decide to direct the movie...
Good decision
Posted 09 Mar 2006

MR NICE says
Standard why are you having a dig at her personal life.

You can't say that her dancing is crap infact she is probably the best dancer in Paksitan. Even the Indians have acknowledged her dancing abilities.

On her acting skills she basically never really got films were she could show her skills. Right from her first film she was labelled as an dancing sensation and she has never been able to get rid of that tag. In films like Nikkah, Zever and KTSK she proved she could act.

Finally why do we have to compare everything with the Indians.
Posted 10 Mar 2006

Honeynrrn says
whole reema's career is crap..stupid dance..acting..and direction..
reemas herself belongs to tafaif family..
those people who like mahduri dixit never be liked reeema..
that's a reason reema feels..and decide to direct the movie...
Good decision

Thats totally ridiculous .If u can call Reema from a tawaif family with no solid proof, anyone could call u anything so be careful in making strong statements which could be quiet offensive.U dont know personally about her family background,neither do I,shes a entertainer n probably the most respected actress in pakistan.She has carried herself in n out of the country with great dignity.If she did something wrong or made us feel ashamed cuz of her,we would probably have a right to say things like that about her but she didnt.People should allow themseves to get over such things.And as much as I know about her family,her father was an income tax officer,They were living in Multan n then Javid Fazil saw her and offered her his film but before starting acting Reema took 3 months training for dance with Javed fazil's support.As she belonged to a pathan family,she didnt get any support from her family.But then when they saw after few yrs her sucess n passion,they open heartedly accepted her.This is what I know n I cannot say how much truth it holds.As far as her career goes,I guess no one in pakistan has such a successful run.She probably is one of the best dancer in the world.She has proved herself as a solid performer with her big acting margin movies like,Nikah,KTSK,aik pagal se larke,Niki jae han,Jan Teray Nam.
Posted 10 Mar 2006

golimaro2 says
i cant understand what the hell ppl have to do with actors family or background.she is queen of pahistani showbiz thats enough 4 us.i know her fanmly coz her sister was my class fellow in college.we should repect them on the basis of what they r n how they r presenting far as her acting goes she is versatile actress watch her film fire where she plays police inspector muje chand chahye a tomboy dil to pagal hai a sycho she is the best actress after Babra sharif n she looks toooooooo pretty more than all the actresses she should come heroine in her each n every film.agar ktsk main reema heroine na hoti to film itne hit na hoti.she is hot favourite of women of pak.    
Posted 10 Mar 2006

yoyo says
Indian writer on Reema's flick

Reema has signed Javed Yousaf, Indian writer, for her upcoming movie. Reema was working with Khalil-ur- Rehman but she got disappointed with the script. It is to be noted that Mr Javed was the writer of famous Indian flick Dilwale Dulhaniya Lay Jain Gay. Reema's new movie will be based on today's youth.
Posted 14 Mar 2006

same writer is using humayoo saeed..
I dont know why our writer is not writing like previous pakistani period of golden perid.
it is fact indian writers are very good writers..and very devoted with their movie..
Posted 14 Mar 2006

yoyo says
humayun saeed is using javed sadiqui and reema is using javeid yousuf.

both of them have lied about them being writer of dilwale dulhanya le jayege just to hype up there film, ddlj was written by honey irani. i dnt know why they have such obsestion with ddlj, the story was as worst as it could get.

you are wrong standard, indian writers are rubbish, 90% of all the films have the same storylines and most of them are copied, how can you call there writters good.
Posted 15 Mar 2006

MR NICE says
Yoyo you are right about Indian writers being rubbish and 90% of all Indian films are copies of Hollywood films.

Even the Indians admit that we have really talented writers and poets. Unfortunately our own film makers cannot see them. If the current writers in the film industry are not up to the mark then why not give a chance to new up coming writers.

Saqib Malik for his film has asked Irfan Khoosat's son to write the film. Reema and Humayun Saeed can do the same.

One thing which one has to admit that atleast in the 15 years or so very few new people have come into the different departments of film making.

Its up to the producers to introduce new talent.

Already we are using Indian singers, choreographers, music directors, and other Indian technicians.

What purpose are people like Reema and Humayun Saeed serving. They are definately not helping the cause of the Pakistani film industry.
Posted 15 Mar 2006

golimaro2 said:

i cant understand what the hell ppl have to do with
actors family or background.she is queen of pahistani showbiz thats
enough 4 us.i know her fanmly coz her sister was my class fellow in
college.we should repect them on the basis of what they r n how they r
presenting far as her acting goes she is versatile actress
watch her film fire where she plays police inspector muje chand chahye a
tomboy dil to pagal hai a sycho she is the best actress after Babra sharif n
she looks toooooooo pretty more than all the actresses she should come
heroine in her each n every film.agar ktsk main reema heroine na hoti to
film itne hit na hoti.she is hot favourite of women of pak.    [/

she'll will succeed

Posted 15 Mar 2006

according to internet voting ZARA SHEIKH is the most favorite film actress in pakistan...even those people who dont like or watch pakistani movie they like her.
because Zara Sheikh is so beautiful and intelligent and belongs to noble family.
Posted 15 Mar 2006

Zara is a nice actress too
Posted 15 Mar 2006

yea..u r rite my dear...
Posted 16 Mar 2006

what the hell i dont understand u guyz i mean whats the point in involving the family background i mean u shud look her acting abilities rather then family
and if she belongs to bad family then is that her fault,crapp man duniya kahan se kahan pohonch gaye hai and we r still in 1947
Posted 16 Mar 2006

dont need to be angry!
truth is truth..u accept or not!
reema is no acting ability...if u like u should declare here to get married to these girls..then I will silute u..

Posted 16 Mar 2006

yoyo says
well reema is beauty nothing else, her acting is bad, bad and bad. her beauty is also fading with her age.
Posted 17 Mar 2006


dont need to be angry!
truth is truth..u accept or not!
reema is no acting ability...if u like u should declare here to get married to these girls..then I will silute u..

dude i guess ur drunk talk sense for GOD sake
Posted 17 Mar 2006

Honeynrrn says
according to internet voting ZARA SHEIKH is the most favorite film actress in pakistan...even those people who dont like or watch pakistani movie they like her.
because Zara Sheikh is so beautiful and intelligent and belongs to noble family.

According to an international research report,Reema is the most popular actress in Pakistan n that was the exact reason she was selected to do the Pepsi comerial from asia as people declared her the most graceful n beautiful actress.
how do u know Zara belongs to a noble family?some people r just too high on themselves n loves to makes statments without any solid proof Reema is more intelegent,more beautiful than Zara n mostly people believe this.Zara maybe a popular model but her filmi popularity is not above Reema's.
Reema has proved herself as a decent actress in her recent projects.Its a fact she wasnt quiet good when she started as far as her acting is concerned but now looking back to her few movies in which she really got a chance to actually show some acting talent,she did prove herself.People who think her acting is bad,bad n bad, needs to watch her movies Nikkah,Jan TeraY Nam,KTSK,Fire,Ik Pagal Se larke.
Posted 18 Mar 2006

well i dont understand why people involves family background in case of heriones i mean why not hero why only heriones,and one more thing that when we go to cinema to watch a movie do we ask from ticket counter guy that look dude what the abt the family back ground of this film's heroine does she belongs to a noble family lol,total crapp,we only needs to grow up now
Posted 18 Mar 2006

yoyo says
Honeynrrn said:

according to internet voting ZARA SHEIKH is the most favorite film actress in pakistan...even those people who dont like or watch pakistani movie they like her.
because Zara Sheikh is so beautiful and intelligent and belongs to noble family.

According to an international research report,Reema is the most popular actress in Pakistan n that was the exact reason she was selected to do the Pepsi comerial from asia as people declared her the most graceful n beautiful actress.
how do u know Zara belongs to a noble family?some people r just too high on themselves n loves to makes statments without any solid proof Reema is more intelegent,more beautiful than Zara n mostly people believe this.Zara maybe a popular model but her filmi popularity is not above Reema's.
Reema has proved herself as a decent actress in her recent projects.Its a fact she wasnt quiet good when she started as far as her acting is concerned but now looking back to her few movies in which she really got a chance to actually show some acting talent,she did prove herself.People who think her acting is bad,bad n bad, needs to watch her movies Nikkah,Jan TeraY Nam,KTSK,Fire,Ik Pagal Se larke.

you are a die hard reema fan, i understand but to diegest the facts.

zara shiek has proven more succesfull then reema in just a short span of 5 years, zara is by far the most popular actress in pakistan.

she is no.1 on every directors list, thats why you see her in nearly every big budget film. while reema has just 1 big budget film and that was her own home production, LOL, reema has never been part of a big budget film.

i agree Honeynrrn, because there was a poll conducted in pakistan for the best actress and zara won it. she is from a nobel and educated background, whereas reema is from a uneducated prostitute background.

i know you will never belive it cos you just love reema but its a FACT.
Posted 19 Mar 2006

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