~ anti-semitism ~

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Age: 125
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France, France

Hostility toward or prejudice against Jews or Judaism.
Discrimination against Jews.

for me its a sort of racisme,,,
I ve just one question

are WE (muslims/pakis) anti-semite ???
Posted 10 Mar 2006

Everybody is ani-something. "anti-semitism" is a political stigma politicians in the west like to stay as far from it as necessary for political correctness. It is a notion to make people feel guilty of holding a view against semites. It is also a way to let semites off the hook for their wrong doings. I will not indulge myself judging Muslims/Pakis of anti-semitism. This is not our standard of judgment. We judge by what is right or wrong by the word of Allah and His messenger.
Posted 10 Mar 2006

Ashii says
"""we judge by what is right or wrong by the word of Allah and his Messenger""
yeh kab hua ?? aur kahan hua ??

i didnt start that topic to protect their wrong doings or to protect them,, its simply something i felt
we know they r muslims enemies,, wot they r doing in palestine
but then,,,,,,,,,
is it a reason to hate a whole nation ??????

i ve talked to ppl who think wot happend in europe in 40's was abs right,,, palestine/israel ka masla to uss k baad utha
i even feel as we r jealous of them
Posted 11 Mar 2006

javad says
Posted 12 Mar 2006

SALL said:

"""we judge by what is right or wrong by the word of Allah and his Messenger""
yeh kab hua ?? aur kahan hua ??

By we, I meant, Me, myself and I

SALL said:

we know they r muslims enemies,, wot they r doing in palestine
but then,,,,,,,,,
is it a reason to hate a whole nation ??????

That fits the classic definition of oxymoron   

I rest my case   
Posted 14 Mar 2006

Ashii says
I me and myself
sall wali baat kar di aap ne,, hehe

isnt it a rock group ??
wot does it mean
Posted 16 Mar 2006

two statements are contradictory.
Posted 28 Mar 2006

nikama says
most of the jews r really nice ppl,like most of the muslims r.we,the muslims have harboured this prejudice perhaps on the basis of this saying that jews and christians can't be our true friends.but then we dont really r so much against christ.as we r against jews.actually i think the reason behind anti-semitism or any anti-thing for that matter is this sense of self righteousness(if thats the right word)when we begin to think that we r right and all the rest r wrong.personally,i have no problem with jews,their girls got long legs,B.U.Tfull features and killing figures and thats enuf to luv them all.as for the QIBLA-E-AWAL issue,well,i think its as much sacred for them as it is for us the muslims.so if we claim it is ours they also have the right to claim it as their's.when our second pious caliph conqured jerusalem,he behaved quite graciously with them.and above all if we hate them because of palistine issue,this issue was created by the christ.not jews.the poor jews were just looking for a place where they could live peacefully.
Posted 28 Mar 2006

Ashii says
at least u have a good n valid reason to not to hate jews


i wanted other members to say something abt this issue that i may change my views
but no one s interested
Posted 29 Mar 2006

SALL said:

at least u have a good n valid reason to not to hate jews

It is a greater surprise that you are endorsing an outlandish idea - person prefering his carnal desire instead of intelligence to determine why there has been a long friction between jews and muslims. I am totally disappointed - actually amazed that someone can ignore facts, entire history, revelations and traditions and dare make a theory of his own.
Posted 29 Mar 2006

Ashii says
"good n valid" was ironic yar
read his post again,, i was talking abt wot he said abt jew galz
Posted 30 Mar 2006

that's what surprising. Those reasons are good and valid!

Posted 30 Mar 2006

Ashii says
didnt get
matlab k u can admire a whole nation just bcoz their galz have beautiful legs
Posted 31 Mar 2006

nikama says
well,if anyone can hate an entire nation just because their forefathers did this and that,why cant i luv them for the length of their girls legs.and btw,main ne kuch aur bhi kaha tha,that u 2 have ignored
Posted 31 Mar 2006

Ashii says
i read the rest nikamma pa jii
but objection to ussi pe hota hai na jo bilkul samajh ya logic se bahir ho

waise i wont call them POOR JEWS as u did
but still i dont HATE them,, i cant

btw this topic is not abt ISREAL
its abt JEWS in gnrl
im anti-israelite,, no doubt abt it
Posted 01 Apr 2006

BadShaH1 says
As far as the present situations are concerned
due to the wars and the Anti palestenian leaders of Israel, Yes im an anti semite and majority of the Pakistanis are.
Posted 01 Apr 2006

nikama says
ok,if legs offend u then lets talk from a historical perspective,antisemitism theory initialy included not just jews but muslims and many others as well.theory was that ARYANS were superior to SEMITES,but since only jews were targeted under this notion so we now use it in the sense u have used the term.
    muslims were never anti semite till the 20th century.millions of jews lived peacefully in islamic countries,but things started changing when sultan abdulhamid of otoman caliphate decided to become an ally of hitler.even that was more of a political and tactical decision little to do with racial hatred since many jews continued to live in turkey even after that.but when jews connived with the british and occupied palestine,it was a major shock for the whole of islamic world.but let me tell u one more thing,the grand fathers of present rulers of ksa and jordon are as much responsible for palestine tragedy as british and jews are.they, out of centuries old prejudice against turks,sold their loyalties to british just for the sake of small pieces of land,and in the process british also facilitated the jews by giving them the sacred baitulmaqdas
    you asked muslims are antisemite or not,i would say NO.our religion does not teach us to hate others,we can even marry a jew girl if her legs r too irresistible besides they r ehlekitab as well and we must respect them if we truly follow the teachings of islam
    christians on the other hand have always been anti semite because their and our JESUS was crucified by the jews.during the dark days of church rule in europe,jews were even made to wear something i dont remember what,so they could be easily recognised and they were not allowed to join certain trades as well.and this anti semite feeling is still very much present in modern europe,in a recently conducted survey,swiss ppl reveal that israel is the country they dislike most.some months ago a similar type of survey of entire europe also showed the same result.why do they dislike so much a nation that is quite a darling for their governments,and they dont have any direct conflict with israel as well? reason i have told already.
Posted 02 Apr 2006

That's much better - at least, I like intelectual argument.

Just to set the tone and records straight, muslims are not antisemitic, Jews are anti-muslim/Islam. Not every jew falls in that category. Generally, they are not muslim/Islam friendly.

In the historical context, Jews expelled from Spain in late 15 century found refuge in Muslim lands - Turkish Khilafa. They found peace in Muslim lands and they prospered there for 5 centuries with freedom to practise their religion and customs. They did not live "peacefully". They connived with enemies of Osmanian caliphate, just like you suggested. They did so to carve out a state for themselves from Muslim heartland. They worked their ways secretly and covertly against the interests of Muslims and their rule. Despite of that Turkey did not expel Jews from its lands. Turks supported Germans in WW because they were at odds with Brits for obvious reasons. Turkey did not participate in Jewish genocide nor did she allow that in its territories.

Let's step farther back in the history. This time we see Religious perspective of the issue. From the times of Prophet when he announced his prophethood, Jews rejected him. They were expecting a prophet in that region as they concluded from their scriptures. They never expected the prophet to come from Makkah that too from "gentiles".

Once he migrated to Madina, they conspired against him on numerous occasions. They tried to kill him by deceitfully inviting him to a meeting, conniving with meccan pagans and signing deals with them, killing large number of prophet's companions by treachery and decit... Prophet, pbuh, thus expelled tribe of Banu-Nadhir. He fought in battle with tribes like, Banu Quraida for their breach of peace agreements with Muslims of Madina. They had invited and encouraged Meccan pagas to attack Madina while providing them support and assistance against Muslims.

Quranic references and prophetic traditions very clearly have shown how and why Jews dislike Muslims. Surat Hashar is one example. In surat Al-Madida, Allah swt have stated very openly that the worst enemies of Islam and Muslims are polithiests followed by the Jews. You will find Christian closer to you in faith.

Reasons for Jews to hate Muslims is the same as their despise for Christians. Children of Israel (prophet Jacob) -Bani Israel, were given the status of most favored nation. Instead of maintaining that status, they rebelled and transgressed bounds of Allah. They killed many messengers of Allah and rejected many more, including Jesus. Allah arrested their status and granted it to Bani Ismail (Children of prophet Ishmael) - Raising the prophet among Bani-Hashim, descendents of prophet Ishmael - Prophet Mohammed, SAW. Incidently, their boasting and pride of being the beloved nation of God was no longer valid. Ego of rich and mighty, ruler and lords, priests and scholars prevented them from acknowledging the prophet. Instead, they started a campaign to malign the prophet and the religion of Islam. It has not stoped since then.

In summary, Muslims are not ani-semitic but Jews are anti-Muslism. Muslims are not racist, while Jews are, as they are a race and all non-jews are gentiles. There are good people among them but majority supports or at least agrees with ejecting palestinians from their homeland.

Physical beauty is a gift of God, and He granted that to many nations without discrimination. By the way, grass always looks greener on the other side of the fence.

Posted 06 Apr 2006

Ashii says
thnnxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx nikama and SD
this is wot i was waiting for

totaly agree that our religion doesnt teach us to hate others,, but my qestion was abt muslims and not Islam
no doubt abt role of western powers in israel conflict
we can conclude by saying we r anti-israel

i ve read abt spanish history a bit,, these 5 centuries of muslim gvt are known as 'golden age' for jews
and agree to Quranic statements abt jews,, it s said several times that they are muslims enemies
if we see today's situation id say they still are our enemies,, no doubt abt it

now lemme tell ya y i started that topic
few weeks ago a jew guy was torchered abt killed by a group of guyz
jew community tried prove it an anti-sem case
but media didnt let them go far on this issue,,
coz in few days following the incident the kidnappers got arrested and revealed the reason, they kidnapped for money,, and they chose a jew "becoz jews are rich and even if parents of that guy dont have money they ll b helped by their community"

for me its clear,,, its not an anti-semite case
(have to finish packing or my mom ll become "anti-ASH")
Posted 07 Apr 2006

Bitoo says
sall tum zeyada bari met bana karow
Posted 07 Apr 2006

valandrian says
Posted 20 May 2018

Posted 20 Sep 2018

Posted 29 Oct 2018

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