thnnxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx nikama and SD

this is wot i was waiting for
totaly agree that our religion doesnt teach us to hate others,, but my qestion was abt muslims and not Islam
no doubt abt role of western powers in israel conflict
we can conclude by saying we r anti-israel
i ve read abt spanish history a bit,, these 5 centuries of muslim gvt are known as 'golden age' for jews
and agree to Quranic statements abt jews,, it s said several times that they are muslims enemies
if we see today's situation id say they still are our enemies,, no doubt abt it
now lemme tell ya y i started that topic
few weeks ago a jew guy was torchered abt killed by a group of guyz
jew community tried prove it an anti-sem case
but media didnt let them go far on this issue,,
coz in few days following the incident the kidnappers got arrested and revealed the reason, they kidnapped for money,, and they chose a jew "becoz jews are rich and even if parents of that guy dont have money they ll b helped by their community"
for me its clear,,, its not an anti-semite case
(have to finish packing or my mom ll become "anti-ASH")