~ errr HOT ~

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Age: 125
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France, France
emmmmm.... okk i know its a stupid topic but

lemme say it
when u say


wot does it mean ??

it doesnt mean GOOD LOOKING,,, its something different
but can u just explain me,, wot is BEING HOT ??
Posted 10 Mar 2006

hmmm u r very right such a stupid topic lolzzz
really just kidding

i dont think an sophisticated person would utter this word from his mouth.eevryone have fantesies but its not good to mention it in words.
but i think when somebody says it, it reveals the eroticism inside. thats it. this is something related to ones ..... desires.


Posted 10 Mar 2006

Its an expression of how much that person could be desirable. Its not an expression for people only. An object can be termed as hot meaning an item of high demand, like a bread loaf fresh out of oven.
Posted 10 Mar 2006

Ashii says
y do we use this word so frequently then ????
y r we so open to show our erotic desires ??

u r not wrong,, but im talking abt using this exp abt ppl
a product can b in demand,, but when a PERSON is in demand
iss ka kya matlab hua ????????
Posted 11 Mar 2006

javad says
saaloo tum hamesha kuch naya hi lati ho kher good

HOT yes v use this word daily life,
BUT if i use this word for a gal so it means tht gal is just for chill and fun not hv great respect.
bc in our culture gals wearing short dresses and ussing something like tht seems to not good gals.
But now gals want to look hot and attractive for tht thy do all valgure kind of stuff.

Posted 12 Mar 2006

Ashii says

thnx for ur comments,, but plz lemme lafff first

gal is just for chill and fun not hv great respect
having FUN with a girl,, is it permitted in YOUR culture ??

gals wearing short dresses and ussing something like tht seems to not good gals.
y do guys go toward these NOT GOOD girls ??

But now gals want to look hot and attractive for tht thy do all valgure kind of stuff.
so wot ?? they want to have fun too
Posted 12 Mar 2006

javad says
ok ok ok
laugh dear.

wt u think todays gals are going on rite way?

im not saying tht to hv chill with gal and yes this not primttd in our RELIGION culture is next to it

Yes guys attacted by the gals having short dres and like this, but as i said they didnt respect them,
Posted 12 Mar 2006

Ashii says
i didnt say galz are going on right way
im just saying they want to CHILL like guyz

if no one ever stopped guyz,, then wots the point of calling such girls BAD
how can a girl b bad if she s just following wot guyz always did

well,,, topic kuch aur tha,, par khair koi baat nahi
Posted 12 Mar 2006

javad says
achaa choro
Posted 12 Mar 2006

Ashii says
Posted 13 Mar 2006

Bazigaar says
all 5 fingers r different...not all guyz r like that
Posted 13 Mar 2006

javad says

All kind of persons in this world all cannot be good or bad.

But... she/he is hot
wt does it mean bazu?
Posted 13 Mar 2006

SALL said:

y do we use this word so frequently then ????
y r we so open to show our erotic desires ??

lets get inside the reason behind it.
i think when people lose the meaning of manners and self contorol, some ppl call it the freedom of expration. but i think its just the possation, and pretending the things inside us associated to the things around us.thas the point when ppl get open up, its about forgetting the limits. and living wildly.
and je Qamyat ki nishani ..qaymat bhi tu anii hai na jee

Posted 13 Mar 2006

BadShaH1 says
attractive in a ***y way.
Posted 13 Mar 2006

Ashii says
i never said all guyz r like that
im talking abt those who r LIKE THAT

topic kuch aur tha yarrrrrr....

kayamat ko zabardasti utha k lana hum logon ne apna farz bana liya hai kya

thnx badshah
can u now explain me wot is "***y way" (i guess that s wot u wanted to say)
Posted 16 Mar 2006

javad says
bhai ye to kahin aur hi chal niklaa
Posted 16 Mar 2006

SALL said:

kayamat ko zabardasti utha k lana hum logon ne apna farz bana liya hai kya

hmm dats the point
sall ji acutally hum sub munafiq hain hum sub say jitni marzi acchi acchi baatian karwaa lain .......but jub baat ati hai implimentations ki tu fir hum sub ek dum zero ...agger app munfiq insaaan ki nishnaiyan read karo tu app ko koi bhi insaaan in nishnaiyon say bahir nahi nazar ayay gaa.so gee qamyat tu banie he Munfiqoon k liya hai

so agger hum sub say phely apnay ap ko hee theek kar lain fir shayad qamyat khuch aur door hoo jayay

soory baat topic sat hutt gayiee

keep smilin

holla baq
Posted 17 Mar 2006

Posted 18 Mar 2006

Ashii says
munafiq sab hein,,, me bhi i know that
par apni galtiyon ko chupane ka kya faida

jo hai khul k kaho
samajh k kaho
hmm,, aur khul k hanso

hanse ka kya tha ather
Posted 18 Mar 2006

aikalone says

When u say that
Its means nothing else but eroticism and thats it.

Someone said that
item of high demand
Totally wrong. why? bcz the question is about "THAT GAL/GUY IS SOOO HOT"
How it can a high demnt item???

Posted 22 Mar 2006

BadShaH1 says
matlab kesey bian keroon,
i think u should know.
Posted 23 Mar 2006

Ashii says
thnx aik

that silly eh,, batate hue sab ko sharam aati hai
kehte hue nahi
Posted 24 Mar 2006

aikalone says
SALL said:

thnx aik

that silly eh,, batate hue sab ko sharam aati hai
kehte hue nahi

Posted 27 Mar 2006

aikalone said:

When u say that
Its means nothing else but eroticism and thats it.

Someone said that
item of high demand
Totally wrong. why? bcz the question is about "THAT GAL/GUY IS SOOO HOT"
How it can a high demnt item???

and how about when you say that car is hot or the deal is hot...?
Posted 28 Mar 2006

... and what do yah say about the cool?

all I'm tryin to say,. any word or expression can be used in a dirty way.
Posted 28 Mar 2006

aikalone says
Smooth_daddy said:

aikalone said:

When u say that
Its means nothing else but eroticism and thats it.

Someone said that
item of high demand
Totally wrong. why? bcz the question is about "THAT GAL/GUY IS SOOO HOT"
How it can a high demnt item???

and how about when you say that car is hot or the deal is hot...?

SD plz read the question again. I just gave the answer of what shed asked. Question was not about the car.

When u are talking about car its totally different.

Smooth_daddy said:

all I'm tryin to say,. any word or expression can be used in a dirty way.

Can u use words like good, excellent, beautiful etc in a dirty way.
I think these word can be use when u r ironing on someone but not in a dirty way
Posted 28 Mar 2006

I do understand your point of view and don't diagree with you. But the context and expression of how it is said makes a difference. If you said a guy is hot, it doesn't necessarily mean s**y. It can also mean very popular. I bet a mature native speaker will attest to it.
Posted 29 Mar 2006

Can u use words like good, excellent, beautiful etc in a dirty way.
I think these word can be use when u r ironing on someone but not in a dirty way

you bet you can! just like you can use the word "awful" in a good way.
Posted 29 Mar 2006

it is called intellectual discussion
Posted 29 Mar 2006

valandrian says
Posted 20 May 2018

Posted 20 Sep 2018

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