Ayyy yaay yay

1051 views 33 replies
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Age: 124
Total Posts: 13322
Points: 0

United States, United States
sooo much homework

its raining

and the weekends here

and Im trying to relax and not think

Wanna sleep

BUt wanna talk to you all too

so hear I am

Posted 18 Mar 2006

Bazigaar says
starts crying again
Posted 18 Mar 2006

LiL_DollY says

you like my laugh

Posted 18 Mar 2006

Bazigaar says
yeah i do, CALL ME NOW!!!
Posted 18 Mar 2006

LiL_DollY says
NOpe Phones dead
Posted 18 Mar 2006

Bazigaar says
liar liar i can see your pajama is on fire
Posted 18 Mar 2006

LiL_DollY says

So then the phone lines are out

Posted 18 Mar 2006

Bazigaar says
yeah that;s a lie too
Posted 18 Mar 2006

LiL_DollY says
And Im lying to you

Bazi: thats a lie too

Posted 18 Mar 2006

Bazigaar says
i know u liar
Posted 18 Mar 2006

LiL_DollY says
I know you 2 fibber

Posted 18 Mar 2006

Bazigaar says
no i am not
Posted 18 Mar 2006

LiL_DollY says
there you go again fibbin
Posted 18 Mar 2006

Bazigaar says
no, i am sitting here
Posted 18 Mar 2006

LiL_DollY says
yeah lil kadoo

your sitting and fibbing
Posted 18 Mar 2006

Bazigaar says
how do u know
Posted 18 Mar 2006

LiL_DollY says
cause you told me your sitting

and you were fibbing

thats how I know
Posted 18 Mar 2006

Bazigaar says
u'r using my brain well
Posted 18 Mar 2006

LiL_DollY says
good good
Posted 18 Mar 2006

Bazigaar says
no, just alrite
Posted 18 Mar 2006

LiL_DollY says
alright is better than bad
Posted 18 Mar 2006

Bazigaar says
not really
Posted 18 Mar 2006

LiL_DollY says
well alright
Posted 18 Mar 2006

Bazigaar says
no it;s not
Posted 18 Mar 2006

LiL_DollY says
WEll Then I hope everyhting will be alright
Posted 18 Mar 2006

Bazigaar says
don;t hope for too much
Posted 18 Mar 2006

LiL_DollY says
ay yaay yay
Posted 18 Mar 2006

Bazigaar says
ya sure ahaan
Posted 18 Mar 2006

Ashii says
busyyyy busy busyyy
Posted 18 Mar 2006

main bhi bz
Posted 18 Mar 2006

Bazigaar says
dolly kithaaay
Posted 27 Mar 2006

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