::::::::SHORT and FUNNY jokes::::::::

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Age: 125
Total Posts: 150
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Cyprus, Cyprus
Sachin to madhuri: "I want to marry with you"
Madhuri: "But I m one year elder to you"
Sachin: "No problem, then I will marry you next year"

Doctor : "What would you do first if you caught Rabies?"
Trainee Nurse : "First of all I'll bite my mother in law".

An actress was filling up a form. There was a column in the form where one was required to state marital status," Married / Unmarried".
And she wrote: "Occasionally Married".

"My wife has the worst memory".
"Does she forget everything?"
"No, She remembers everything".

Wife: "Have you bought hankies for me?"
Husband: "No".
Wife: "But, Why?"
Husband: "You never gave me the size of your nose!!".

Sita: "What do you use to clean utensils?"
Geeta: "I have tried several things but I have found my husband is the best thing".

Mother : "What are you writing Ram?"
Ram : "I'm writing a Letter to Baby Sham"
Mother : "But you don't know how to write!"
Ram : "So What?, Anyway Sham don't know how to read, That's why".

Father : "Idiot. How dare you scold your Mother?"
Son : "Don't feel Jealous, since you can't do that".

Watchman : "Police will catch if you Urinate here"
Small Boy : "But What are they going to do with my Urine".

Two students of second standard didn't know if trousers were singular
or plural. After thinking for very long time they decided, "Singular above and plural below".

Old woman : "Doctor I have severe pain in my right leg".
Doctor : "That is due to old age".
Old woman : "But both of my legs are of the same age".
Doctor : ?!
Posted 21 Mar 2006

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