Online Feng Shui Magazine-

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Age: 27
Total Posts: 24
Points: 10

Rajshahi, Bangladesh
In the blink of an eye, we will be welcoming the Year of the Rabbit, whose docile and diplomatic traits foretell a calmer year ahead. In comparison to the Tiger, the Rabbit is more agreeable, often preferring tact and negotiation over outright hostility, but while the Rabbit is less fierce, it is also as cunning as a fox.
The Paht Chee chart of Feng Shui 2023
is an unbalanced one, suggesting continued instability and disorder. A lack of METAL and EARTH, which represent Resources and Power respectively, present ever evolving challenges despite the year seeming more subdued, which is why everyone needs the 5 Element Balancing Amulet, aswell as to actively introduce these elements into one’s personal space. An easy way to do this is to wear jewellery made of metal and gemstones, such as the Sky Animals Charm Bracelet range.
The year has good prospects for growth as evidenced by the presence of the Lap Chun, but with 3 of the 4 pillars being Yin, there is risk that many will fear making the wrong move and this can lead to inaction or stagnation. Displaying the Cosmic Raven in one’s living space will help one make the right decisions; this sky bird also attracts the luck of good timing, so that you do not miss good opportunities that come your way.
In 2023, the center of the Lo Shu grid is occupied by the #4 Star. It thus becomes the dominant star of the year, which casts its influence over every person in every sector of every space, in every part of the world. As the #4 star is the Relationship Star, this suggests that people will get along better with one another, and successful new alliances and partnerships can sprout up across the globe. After a year of grappling with power tussles and conflict that have brought on all kinds of problems, working together may be just what is needed for the world to move forward.
Posted 04 Jan 2023

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