
Age: 125
Total Posts: 345
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i read this post in that thing which is psoed to be used for discussing "Serius" things.
and i foun dit so annoying, the thing on april fools day that i searched bout it and i did not find mention of muslims being ridiculed......anywhere anyhow by anyone....the closest was hiudus who as we all know are not muslims.....:D
now wat i wannaknow is why are pakistani people so fussed about everything that wud not involve them recieving funding or people having a bit o fun and things where they cant blame hte western world for not trating them right?
its annoying
its old
its clich'd
get over it
ah and the origin of aprils fool day goes back to 15th century where some king changed the calender ,,,year was announced to start on 1 st january but lack o fast communication chanells meant the news got to someplaces real late....around they decided to do their new year around the ppl doing it in jan made fun o biggiee....u wont burn in hell..not for this anyways.