Doctor Sam said:ooooh.... really hard to suffer...
LiL_DollY said:yeah right at this moment
so why are you always pmsing![]()
LiL_DollY said:
IM about to go take some ibuprofen800 mg should do the trick
LiL_DollY said:um um
what do you mean???
LiL_DollY said:ouch!
Smooth_daddy said:
LiL_DollY said:
IM about to go take
some ibuprofen800 mg should do the trick
that's some very strong med!
don't drive after taking that med.
Asian said:it hurts i know
i try to workout when i get cramps
but i'am a moody little so and so
last time i threw a block of cheese at a guy![]()
dazzling eyes said:awww..
Bazigaar said:
LiL_DollY said:yeah right at this moment
so why are you always pmsing![]()
nature call![]()
Aroobah said:
Doctor Sam said:
LiL_DollY said:um um
what do you mean???
matlab aor kya kar rahi hain aap miss lilly...![]()
LiL_DollY said:
Asian said:it hurts i know
i try to workout when i get cramps
but i'am a moody little so and so
last time i threw a block of cheese at a guy![]()
I can picture it
quite funny![]()
Asian said:
LiL_DollY said:
Asian said:it hurts i know
i try to workout when i get cramps
but i'am a moody little so and so
last time i threw a block of cheese at a guy![]()
I can picture it
quite funny![]()
my little cousin he's 14 he looked at me as if to say what the hell, we
were in Tesco, i shouted GO GET THE APPLES![]()
he was like: YES miss![]()
Asian said:well i havent spoken to khan properly in 12 months but
he has not given up, he still calls, and i'am worried that one of my so
called friends is telling my stuff,
like he new i went to the ball? how could he know because i never told
him? hmmmmmmmm scary stuff
i tell you whats the worst when i get my cousins and bro to go out and
buy the thingies for me, you should see the looks on their faces, or when
i ask them to get my the Formula one mag theyre ok , when i ask them to
get me Sugar magzeen they turn bright blue
becuase the local shop owner knows my bro he will tease him about the
magzeen, my bro will say "ITS FOR FI" and the guy will say "SURE IT IS????"