*KUriYah* TussI Daso...

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Age: 125
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United States, United States
What are guys for???
Posted 15 Apr 2006

LiL_DollY says
You can curse at each other but what will you get out of it

no ones mind or view will change

whats the use
Posted 18 Apr 2006

Asian says
Some men have total dissreguard for womens feels, men seem to deal with the material side of the world where as woman see the spritual. ok i will give you an example

girls i need a hug

i got a text messaged sent to me but not addressed to me it was addressed to some bozo called "TANAYA" this is khan sending it now.

i was upset all night then i called him in the morning and said i got the massage i deleated it and like he should sent it again sounds important

then he tryed this is "listen Fi i know what you think
but me and taniaya..............."

before he could finish his sentence, i said hamara rista kab raha ho tum mujay larkion ke ristay ke sefai do

then he was like eh eh eh eh

i said ok got to go take care bye. slamed the phone down as he was mumbling

now les step back for a sec

Tanaya and firah?

the names are POLES APART, how can you comfuse my name as hers? his first excuse gone

secondly, changing accounts? dude the intrested is to little, so its not worth the hasstle, but hay i'am not his bobo no more, i cant help him in that sense

its kinda a cheap pop at me to do that, but men will act like this, its inate, they're pride clouds their Judgement, its their weakness of a life time

where as woman can appriciate what they have infront of them, men only know when it is gone
Posted 18 Apr 2006

valandrian says
Posted 20 Apr 2018

Posted 20 Sep 2018

Posted 29 Oct 2018

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