Supplements for mental health

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Good nutrition is vital for building up mental resilience in trying times. These are the mood-boosting vitamins and minerals to have in your
mental first aid kit, says nutritionist Rob Hobson.

Our minds have a lot to deal with; be it overscheduled lives, the need
to succeed running us into the ground, or the rise of burnout in the
workplace. That's even before we get into the uncertainty of the
Covid-19 health crisis. According to research by the Health Survey for
England approximately one in four of us in the UK will experience a
mental health problem in any given year and even more so in the current
climate – a survey in August 2020 from the Office of National Statistics
found that almost one in five adults were likely to be experiencing
some form of depression, anxiety and loneliness, compared with one in
ten before the pandemic.

There's a lot we can do to look after our mental health and nutrition is
one of the frontline ways we can support ourselves, to help build-up
not just physical immunity but what psychologist Dr Meg Arrol calls
'psychological immunity'.

“A strong mind is just the same as a strong immune system in that it
means being able to cope well with life’s demands and with the current
landscape shifting so greatly and quickly it’s beneficial to build up
what I call ‘psychological immunity’," says Dr Arroll, a chartered
psychologist working with supplement brand Healthspan.

"There are many strategies we can use to help build psychological
immunity," she says, "including only checking reputable sourcing of
information and talking about our feelings and taking good care of our
physical health. Taking supplements that have been shown to support the
mind is also a good way to help boost psychological immunity as chronic
stress and traumatic experiences can deplete important vitamins and

The links between diet and mood are well documented and there are many
key nutrients that play a role in maintaining energy levels and reducing
the risk of depression, but it's not always easy to eat well. Low mood
and poor mental health can take their toll on the food choices you make,
and this can leave gaps in the diet. This is where the sensible use of
supplements can be really helpful.

Which supplements to take for mental health? Check here supplements for mental health.
Posted 18 Apr 2023

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