The benefits of maca powder for your hormones

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The benefits of maca powder for your hormones
Maca root powder might be the latest superfood to fill up your Facebook feed, but its benefits are not exactly news. This ancient natural remedy happens to be very well researched and that research has revealed its hormone-balancing, hormonal symptom-soothing properties. Maca root powder is an adaptogen, which means it supports your whole endocrine system to produce the right amounts of hormones you need. Maca can help your body “adapt” to stressful life situations that might otherwise deplete your body’s hormone production and cause symptoms.Get more news about Maca Hard Capsules,you can vist our website!
Maca root powder is a wonderful resource to have at hand, especially at certain critical times in your life when its properties can be the most beneficial. That said, maca is not for everyone and anyone, all of the time. Digging deeper and knowing more about this powerful supplement will help you to get the most out of it.
Does Maca “cure” hormone imbalance?
Although you may have heard some say that maca can solve all your period problems and regulate your cycles, I don’t recommend seeing it as a miracle cure for all hormonal ills. I have never seen one product resolve a woman’s PMS, PCOS, cramps, acne, irrregular cycles or infertility issues on its own. Just adding in a supplement or one food, however “super,” unfortunately rarely works to help a woman overcome hormonal symptoms
At these times maca root powder could help your body in producing more hormones at a time when your own endocrine system may be flagging due to the effects of perimenopause, hormone suppression from the Pill, or lack of sleep after baby. Essentially, as an adaptogen, maca root powder helps your endocrine system do its job in sub-optimal conditions. These three life stages can be a stress on your endocrine system.
I believe we need to be wary of making anything out to be a miracle cure (whether that be maca, vitex, or dong qaui…). Maca has some wonderful benefits, but it is not a cure-all. However, using it alongside food can make maca a very effective supplement.
When you shouldn’t take Maca
Maca root powder is a great tool for these critical moments when our bodies need the additional support to get back on track. However, when you’re between 15 and 35, eating a hormonally-supportive diet should be enough to balance your hormones, resolve your period problems and regulate your cycles. You should NOT take maca if you have an allergy to iodine, Hashimoto’s, or experience any kind of thyroid nodules or growths as it contains significant amounts of iodine.
What’s the best kind of Maca to take?
The most important thing to know about maca root powder is that there are different kinds you can buy. As maca becomes more popular more brands will pop up, but you need to keep in mind that it’s the glucosinolate component that you need to experience maca’s hormone-balancing properties. Look for brands containing over 1% of glucosinolate as a standardized extract.
Posted 05 May 2023

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