Desi_MC said:
cutefriend said:
Desi_MC said:
ayr aik cigratee tu dena
Desi_MC said:NUS is for UK students.... we call it DSR, yes i av it, n its right up there below the insurance card...
n oh yeaa Video Club n Blockbuster ma mans... lol
ya knw sumtimes ya get bored of Manegerial Economics, Accountin' so ya need a time to chill.... therefore these 2 places r the best.... ;)
if ya knw wat i mean...
n yeaa who wants a ciggi??
n Asian these r Mild taste ciggs... they wont effect tha much....
n yea
Desi_MC said:i'll take u to the candyshop.... i'll let u lick the lollypop
Desi_MC said:Asian u shud knw i don dream trash
well i used to be a bar member, u knw university's own friday bar....
but thn i quited it, coz it effects ma u arrange certain social activities, n these meetings held durin' the normal lecture times... so kaafi lectures miss hoowey....
this went for bout a month////
Desi_MC said: