Is it lust or love?

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If you’re swooning over your new sweetie, you may think you’re deeply in love. Friends, however, may say, “You’re just in lust.” Who’s right? Researchers have recently found evidence that people can distinguish between true romance and plain old sexual attraction. For the study, scientists performed MRIs on men and women as they looked upon photos of the person they were in love with and photos of acquaintances (both attractive and less attractive ones). The results showed that the two sets of photos affected the brain very differently: Photos of loved ones triggered more activity on the right side of the brain (an area associated with romantic emotions) than did the other photos; photos of extremely attractive people triggered more activity on the left side of the brain (a hotbed for sexual urges) than did the photos of subjects’ beloveds.

What this suggests, says study author Arthur Aron, Ph.D., a professor of psychology at the State University of New York-Stony Brook, is that the emotions of love and lust are more distinct than we think, and that people can indeed discriminate between the two. Tell that to your cynical friends!
Posted 15 May 2006

Ashii says
tobaaa tobbbaaaaaaaa !!!!!
u dont need to read such things amaaan
Posted 15 May 2006

Mallak.. says
i just wanna make sure

haiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i met this hottie.......and im just making sure...since i cant waste time on lust nomore...its boring....haiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii


so hot
Posted 15 May 2006

Ashii says

tobaaa tobbbaaaaaaaaaaa
gunah mile ga
Posted 15 May 2006

Mallak.. says
abbbbbbbbby bhaisaaab

no its not like that

she is cute

a real head tuner

time stopper

just havin her sit in front o me is more intoxicating then any amoiunts o i just gave up liong while ago......on alcohol that is.....

but im making sure just everyone weds the first person they meet like u chokri......hahahhahaha
Posted 15 May 2006

Ashii says
bhai saaab,, u called her hottie,, for me it means u dont LOVE her
head tuner she better knock ur head to tune it

sall is not the first person i met
he s the only person i ever loved
Posted 15 May 2006

Mallak.. says
yes yes

Posted 15 May 2006

Ashii says
Posted 15 May 2006

moved to love and romance section
Posted 15 May 2006

tooba hai aj kal k loggggggggggg.pyar ka pata laganay k lia dosro say poch rahay hai khe its luv or lust kia zamana ai gaya hai......
Posted 15 May 2006

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