just a thought

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Age: 125
Total Posts: 3
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Pakistan, Pakistan
a.o.a. Hellow friends.Back again. It has been gr8 to see ur replies. It is nice to know ur thinking.Well it seems,a "nice guy" has been guided wrongly.We are all actually,so we dont need to fight but we need to share.Wht a religion does i dont know,but i know one thng that my religion united every kindof ppl when it was started,n,then who can islam make ppl to fight.u need to read islam sir.it helps a lot n educate me too.And belve me its not personal.Its like brothers shareing some thng.We are not here to fight among each others.We r here to know ourselves.Have any one of experience that when u r writing some thng which is for every one then it shows ur image.a image of a muslim,dont talk religion if it makes u fight, dont do any thng,but plz make ur image beautifull.make ur self gr8.make ur self satisfied it all matters.I am not a religion scholars, i am worst in many cases but why i write these thngs is to share my feelings with u ,is to prove to myself that i am   a muslim,to prove that i can b a msulim wht i have always wanted to b.Ok i am not here to say some one wrong or to prove i am rite.Its ur heart who has to do this.
               Coming back to my topic,i left incomplete,in my last article.so i was sharing with u ppl that i had an asigmnet to count beggers in my area.So the day started with a gr8 mood , n as the day went it became worst n worst.So many realities in one day.in the end i knew one thng that as a member of this society in which we r living ,we r dead.It was amazing.It seemed as every one is blind,they were not seeing little children.I did not want my self to give them a ruppe or too,but still why we r becoming senseless.People are dying near us n we r living as nothg is happening.Families n families have been ruined in so many terriorist acts but we seems as nthg,unless we dont feel the same thng when it comes to our houses.See how we r dying?Have any body observed when u goout wht lies around u ?For wht pakistan came in to existence n wht has become of wht?Why we r not protesting ,why we r jsut sleeping in our dead bodies n thinking we r alive?I am sory
we r dead?No one thinks as a collectively as u should b ?
Why dont we ask from our areas MNa's that for wht they have been given votes?Dont they have any responsibilites to educate the beggers of their areas.These ppl come under their area?Do we have courage?
May b i have not?but wht i wanted that to b say wht i felt ?do u feel about this thng?Have u ever felt if not y???
hope to see ur reply.Bye n tc untill we meet again.
allah hafiz.
Posted 21 Jul 2003

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