Why do they make these films and SLEEP

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Age: 125
Total Posts: 27
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United States, United States
Okay. So the buzz was very strong on these films:

*Guns and Roses - Ik Junoon [Went into production in 1995/1996, released 1999, LATE!]
*Inteha [in production since 1997, released 1999, barely on time!]
*Laaj [this was supposed to start in 2000, couldn't, eventually released in 2003, kind of delayed!]
*Koi Tujh Sa Kahan [have no idea abt this one, probably released on time!]
*Pehla Pehla Pyaar [songs went on air in 2002/2003, released 2006, LATE!]
*Yeh Dil Aap Ka Huwa [On floors since 1999/2000, Spain spell completed in summer 2001, release dates were constantly shuffled]

What I fail to understand is why do our film makers just SIT on their films. They BOMB anyway when released at those carefully chosen dates! Why don't they have proper SCHEDULES for the production, marketing and the film's eventual theatrical run? If they do, why don't they show a certain amount of professionalism by sticking to their announced dates? If they have no intentions of keeping their word, they shouldn't LIE so blatantly.

I'm totally fuming at Saqib Malik and Shoaib Mansoor. They ought to release SOME info to the media abt their iflms and the eventual TRUE release date
Posted 17 Jun 2006

aanizdabst says
bro thats never going to happen !!!!!!!!!
Posted 18 Jun 2006

well rumors r also there in the industry and thats another problem cuz most of the times filmmakers didin't announced the dates but poeple jus spread rumors like in the case with shoaib mansoor he never said in the media that his film is gonna be release on xyz date its all rumors that his film might came out on 14th august or in late july or waht ever but officially there is no date announced cant say any thing abt saqib malik's project.
Posted 18 Jun 2006

in september...kkl will release in august
Posted 19 Jun 2006

yoyo says
this is lollywood beta not bollywood,

we have no infransturchue, dts film makers have to travel back forth to thailand/india for the production of there movies.

actors in pakistan are not serious and waste time on sets. studios again waste time with film producers and are not serious either,

and the main thing is that producers are not confidnt that there films will recover there money.
Posted 20 Jun 2006

good feedback folks!!!

aanizdabst: We seriously need to push these folks to do it. Ot atleast talk about it given the odd chance that they may actually come across it. REOFORM is what the lahore industry needs bad!!!

charizmatic: I doubt if anyone spreads rumors. Javed SHeikh has been shooting his Asman Ke Neeche film for the last decade now. God knows when he'll release it -- Meera is already turning really old you know!

shahrukh khan: I seriously hope you're not speculating. If its gonna release in Auggie, we need some promos now plz!!!! MANSOOR dude WILL YOU PLZ WAKE UP NOW?!?!?!

yoyo: Given these attitudes we need to ditch Lollywood and get another movie industry in another city. Anyone for Zollywood in Zhob?!?!?!
Posted 20 Jun 2006

yoyo says
no way, the film industry is fine in lahore, there isnt a better place then lahore for it but name should be changed to something unique, studios should be bombed and new ones should be made in the new city/
Posted 20 Jun 2006

jagira says
lollywood is a gone case cause people in pakistan arent interested in watching movies in theatres cause of cultural, security, lack of appreciation for arts and entertainment...family audiences shunning the idea cause women wont want to watch movies in theatres cause our crowds are at best very rowdy and women have a very tough time even when they are with someone ..forget goin to movies alone ..then the next biggest factor is bolywood with their lavish production values and global reach. movie industry cant progress unless there is a strong local movie watching audience at home . in india millions go to the movies everyday and women and families throng movie theatres. it will never be the case in pakistan . once you have a strong local audience then of course one can think about spreading internationally like bollywood has done. another point is that whatever we might do bollywood would always do better cuse of its infrastructure,,,the kind of people it attracts and the financial returns it generates all over the world ...fanaa made 125 crores world wide in five weeks . that s equal to returns from say 200 pakistani movies. also the fact that indians can spend 60 -65 crores on a movie cause they know that even if they flop they d still level their money cause of a strong local audience and corporatization of their movie system. a billion plus strong movie audience at home gives them that advantage coupled with the fact that abroad people from various countries throng the movie theatres to watch their movies. the salman khan starrer ramayna is being made for a whopping 100 crores . krrish made for 65 crore...shahrukh khans don is being made for 60 crores and kabhi alvida na kehna for 55 crores . compare that to an average one crore movie from lollywood . the boggest movies are say at best 4-5 crores. there are no comparisons . another point is the stereotypes that exist in minds of people and pakistani movies wont find favor anywhere where indian movies are playing ..its a no contest. pakistani pop is better than india but their singers are treated much better where ever they perform and attract more crowds than pakistani . ali azmat even said in an interview how differently indian and pakistani artists are treated abroad .sonu nigam concert tickets sold for lakh of rupees when he performed in karachi and one should see the number of people that were at the venue .the irony is that pakistani artists are treated much better in india than they are in pakistan. television wise our channels opened up after seeing indian channels and are now just a low budget parody of indian televfision but do not reproduce their glamour. gone are the days of dhoop kinare and tanhayian. we could keep mulling over the situation but unless we find a strong local audience to support our own products we can never progress. once the local audience starts putting their ticket worth then the money starts puring in and the infrastructure and facilities trickle in and the you spread your wings internationally. its a very gradual phenomenon. it will never happen in pakistan. .. even if that happens you can never compare the returns from a 160 million population ..majority of who dont appreciate arts and enterainment due to our religious and mora values to a one billion plus audience who treats artists like god and where arts and entertainemnt is part of their religion, their moral and socio political fabric. there is a huge difference in mentality of indians and pakistanis as far as arts and enterainment is concerned plus they are a much open and liberal society so their would always be a glamour factor . just by sheer number of films and number of audience who watch bollywood movies , it is the number one movie industry in the world. why do u think they want their movies released in our theatres cause they are losing on all the extra crores that is lost to piracy in pakistan . they have legitimate rleases in many countries of the world from indian subcontinent to middle east to africa and now western countries and this would increase as they keep injecting business sense into their field. that s why bollywood would continue the strides that it makes and lollywood will be where it always was. we would never have appreciative audience who would buy tickets and make lollywood a profitable industry for it to improve and make better products which will trnaslate into not having facilities and the infrastructure and even then indian movies will dominate due to huge difference in numbers..... that s my two cents on it.
Posted 24 Jun 2006

nice speech mr indian lolz
Posted 24 Jun 2006

jagira says
i m glad u like it .....truth is bitter my bother. call me whatever but the situation is exactly like how i portrayed it. if u dont wanna be realisitc cause in our country its almost anti national to criticize or talk about things as they are . but if you see things from a thrid person perspective then you would realize what i am talkin about. so stop day dreaming and dont call someone an indian cause he doesnt share your fantasy.
Posted 24 Jun 2006

really big speech... u should be in politics.. moi serious...
Posted 26 Jun 2006

jagira says
achi speech hai na ....politics me chala jaaon lekin hamare yaha elections hi nahi hote. lol
Posted 28 Jun 2006

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