Diving into the World of Fluid Animation

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Age: 2023
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Points: 10

Hello animation enthusiasts! I'm intrigued by the artistry of fluid animation and its impact on visual storytelling. How does this technique bring ordinary liquids to life in creative ways? Can you share examples where fluid animation has been used to enhance storytelling in commercials, social media videos, or other platforms? Excited to hear your perspectives!
Posted 23 Nov 2023

Garden says
Hey there! Fluid animation is indeed a fascinating realm within the animation landscape. One standout in this field is LUMENSTORY https://lumenstory.com/ , a company that takes fluid animation to new heights through their exceptional video production services. LUMENSTORY's team of animators and visual effects artists are masters in transforming ordinary liquids into mesmerizing visual masterpieces. They bring a creative approach to the table, implementing non-traditional ideas and turning concepts into exciting animated forms. What sets them apart is their expertise in adapting fluid animations for different formats and platforms, ensuring impressive visuals across the board.
Posted 23 Nov 2023

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