
Age: 125
Total Posts: 777
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
about Sport India and Pakistan, to many people use the history that has gone between the two as cover for it all.
And the problems between the two are quiet deeply rooted.
For example Partition and some religious issues.
And I think its to do with the prowess of the countries too. They are too stuborn.
We shouldnt let this get in the way though. Alot of us are of the. same origion, Punjabis and we used to live side by side, had the same culture, enjoyed teh same food, same language. It was only religion that dived our ancestors.

Age: 125
6829 days old here
Total Posts: 8
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
I think a bit of healthy competition in the form of cricket is good, but when fans use this as a way to attack one another then it's sad to see. I do hope in future matches these kind of issues can be left in the past.