Recitation of the Kalimah(ALLAH -HU-AKBA)

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Queen of jb

Age: 125
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Virgin Islands, Virgin Islands
Doctor Nawazish Ali Bhut was an eye surgeon at Bhawalpur hospital and was considered to be a very pious man.
He was suffering from jaundice (yellow skin fever) due to a disease in his liver. The disease had spread to such an extent that the time of his death drew near.
DOC Nawazish was at his bedside at the time of death. DOC Nawazish noticed that the pupil of his eyes had dilated, his heartbeat had halted and he had stopped breathing.

Medically he had died. His family, who were also present in the room, began to cry.

DOC Nawazish instructed his elder brother and wife to recite the Kalimah and informed them that Doctor Bhut was now departing from this world and it was better for them to recite the Kalimah, rather than cry. Consequently, they began to recite the Kalimah loudly.


All of a sudden Doctor Bhut opened his eyes and sat up. He recited the Kalimah and said, "Doctor Noor, bear witness that I am going towards Allah’s abode having recited the Kalimah." He lay down on the bed again and passed away.


Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) says, "Whosoever professes sincere belief in (Laa ilaha illallaho Muhammadur Rasulullah) at the time of his death, shall certainly enter Paradise.

Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) said, "There are checks in the way of every action before it reaches Almighty Allah, but recitation of and the prayer of a father In favour of his son go up to Him unchecked."

Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) says, "On the Day of Resurrection, Hell would be forbidden for all those who had recited (Laa ilaha illallaho ) with the sole aim of earning the pleasure of Allah.

Posted 25 Jun 2006

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