FFXIV: good resources for PvP

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Age: 2024
Total Posts: 27
Points: 10


1. Join Revival! There's a sprout channel that only has other sprouts and Revival staff in it, so you don't have to worry about some random person giving you crap for asking what you might worry is a bad question. I moderate that channel myself, so either it's going to be cozy or I'm going to be launching someone from it to keep it cozy (which hardly ever actually needs to happen, it's pretty much just cozy). I'm often in there answering questions, and if there's some expertise needed that's better handled by someone else, the staff will ping the mentors for your specific job and they usually come in and write an entire essay of how to play it, lol. 

2. Revival also has a ranked queue bot which allows you to mock queue ranked without actually having to sit in queue forever in game. When there are 7 people in your bracket registered, you'll all get a DM saying that you're really close to a game, and to queue up for real in game and you'll probably get pops. Feel free to use that every time you're trying to play ranked!

3. Tips, tier lists, and documentation - I have all of them on my YT channel which is purely PvP guides and gameplay. 

4. It's really not a wintrade fest. Does it happen? Sure, but it's really not anywhere near as prevalent as the community makes it out to be. 99% of the "the top is all win traders" crowd is people who've given up on figuring out how not to get run over by those of us who have spent entirely too much time getting good at CC. For right now, just queue up and have fun. Expect to get blown up a lot, and after each match try and find a way to correct whatever you think might have been your biggest mistake. Over time you'll find yourself surviving pressure you wouldn't have in the past, landing kills you wouldn't have in the past, and you'll start to see that win rate go up, and you will get more FFXIV Gil. That tangible improvement is incredibly rewarding and addicting, and I personally want to see more people make it past the doomposters and experience it for themselves.

5. The high-end CC streamers all act crazy because it's entertaining (and because we're crazy), but we really do love answering questions. If you ask in chat, there's a very high chance that whoever's streaming is actually excited to get a question and will answer it thoroughly.

6. If you're making reddit posts trying to learn PvP, you're obviously invested in it. And I'd love to help you! You're more than welcome to DM me on Discord anytime you feel stuck, and I'll help point you in the right direction.

Posted 29 Apr 2024

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