e??????a ?a???? µe µp????? ????? ?ata?es?

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Age: 2023
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Points: 10

??? fa??eta? ?t? µe t? ???a??a µ?? ß?e???aµe µ??? ??a ?a tsa?????µe. F?s??? ta p??ta ?????a t?? ???? de? ?ta? ?ts?. G?a p??te ?????a ??saµe µa?? t??, ?p?? ???e, se ap???t? a?µ???a. ???? t?te ????se ? d??????a se ??a ta µ?t?pa. ???a ß??s?e? ?p????d?p?te ???? ?a µe ?t?p?se?. ??aß??? ???p?? ?s??a ?a? de? e????? ?a???a?, d?aß??? st?? ?st?se??da ??a e??????a ?a???? µe µp????? ????? ?ata?es?. ???e ?a? ????se ?a µ?? ??e? ?t? ? t????? e??a? ?a???. ?e? µ??, ???p??, t? ?a ????; ?s?? a???e? ?a ?p?ß??ete a?t?s? d?a??????. ?e? a?t??? ????.
Posted 04 Jul 2024

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