~~~women induction in armed forces~~~

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miss dhoti posh

Age: 124
Total Posts: 85
Points: 0

Pakistan, Pakistan
Battles are no more fought with muscles, indeed to achieve victory not only army is involved but its every single resource is used in order to achieve victory. Women as 50% of the population should also play a vital role in the defence of there country, every powerful nation (U.S, Israel, Europe and India) they have recruited women. As Pakistanis we cannot leave ourselves behind, women should be given the chance for what can they do for there country.

It is now well known that in almost every field women can compete men, and there are better female students available then male students.

In army there is not 1 section whose job is to fight, there are million of sections and every successful army excells in all these sections. If women cannot be sent directly to battlefield, they can serve in Intelligence(but not as spy), as doctors or even as Snipers(long range shooters)
so guys wat do u say,on this acount
Posted 05 Sep 2006

cutefriend says
Miss DP Womens already serves in pakistan ARMY

as a Doctor
and in PAF
as a PILOT
and same as in NAVY

and abt ur Q in the battel field
of course
Females Dr also played vital role
in battel field
hm as a Dr
but not as an attacker
and i think as a Dr they serves equal to an attacker

Posted 06 Sep 2006

Asian says
actually i am with CF on this

we read the reports, indian has a bad human rights record and was critisized by the UN for pumping money into defence but not dealing with the poverty issues.

as a result members of our work organisation are going over their to train kids how to have their say in a pollitical enviroment (i got away with it, i am not going )

i told them i cant speak indian


but Pakistan has a better human rights record and also its breaking ground for women to come through, the yonger generation of Pakistani's are spear-heading this

A.K.A they are doing their reports for the UN

Posted 06 Sep 2006

cutefriend says
Posted 06 Sep 2006

Asian says
papi do na
Posted 06 Sep 2006

cutefriend says
kis khushi main jeeeee

Posted 07 Sep 2006

Asian says
kyion ke meai soni man moni
Posted 07 Sep 2006

valandrian says
Posted 19 Apr 2018

Posted 21 Sep 2018

Posted 31 Oct 2018

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