Colours Define Ur Personality

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Age: 35
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United States, United States
Colours are source of fashion, We use different colours for different dresses, Colours are not only just part of our fashion, But they also reflect our personatily...

Red: If you like this colour you are acheiver, competitive, daring and aggressive. Red lovers are exciting and passionate. You want everything from life.

Pink: You are intereted in life but not as driven as red people. You are charmingly talented and probably romantic. Friendly and sweet with innocence. Pink lovers don't wear emotions on their faces.

Yellow: If you like yellow you are original, imaginative, creative and spiritual. You love to face challenges, you are friendly and confident and have sunny nature.

Orange: Orange folks talk on the characteristics of both yellow and red people. You workhard and are adventurous. You are good-natured.

Brown: You ar stable, balanced and a good citizen. You are kind, involved in everything, caring and intelligent.

Blue: Blue is the most universally prefered colour. You are cool and confident, trusting, strong. You are sensitive. You love pateince and peace.

Purple: You have artistic nature. You are sensitive, easily hurt, moody, you need sincerity and honesty. There is lack of pateince in your life.

Black: Black lovers are serious, witty, clever. You like to live in the world of real people. Black likers are not dazzled by celebrities.

White: Your home and clothes are usually neat and clean. You like everything to be perfect as you can get it. You are relaxed and easy to be with.
Posted 22 Sep 2006

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