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Examples of Bad Dawah
Below are two non-Da'awah examples as contained in Kettani's"Dawah among Muslim Minorities".
First Example. Mr. X was born in a small town of Australia, the son of Muslim parents who came from an Eastern European country. There was no organised Muslim community in the village where he was born. He grew, therefore, with a vague feeling of being Muslim, and was for any practical purpose very much assimilated into his non-Muslim environment. More specifically, he liked dating and drinking. He eventually married a non-Muslim lady and had from her five children. As they grew older, Mr. X became more and more interested in teaching them Islam and bringing them up as Muslims. When the family moved to the capital of the state for a better job, he discovered the existence of an Islamic Association and a small Islamic Centre.
That day he came home laughing like a child with joy, informing his children that they will be educated in Islam. He joined the Association, brought his children to Islamic classes regularly. His wife converted to Islam and became active in the ladies auxiliary. Mr. X kept his drinking habit, however, did his best not to drink in public. At the same time, he learnt how to pray for the first time and vowed to try to be good example for his children. In the executive committee there was a young student from an Asiatic Muslim country who came to the executive committee by a different route. Mr. S grew in a very devout Muslim family and environment, he learnt the Qur'an by heart. He prayed ever since he was seven years old and never committed adultery nor drank in his life. He was an all out and the best example of the practising Muslim. He came to Australia to study and discovered the Muslim Association. He joined it and eventually reached the executive committee. He somehow disliked Mr. X who prayed awkwardly, wore a hat and behaved like a non-Muslim. He even suspected that he drank since he smelt alcohol from time to time.
The catastrophe occurred when Mr. S, while walking home from the University, discovered Mr. X entering a pub. In the next meeting of the executive committee, Mr. S attacked Mr. X publicly as the worst type of Muslim, humiliated him to the point that Mr. X was in tears. He was never seen in the Islamic Centre, nor anyone has ever seen his wife or children!
Posted 30 Aug 2003

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