People today are too busy to think, time means money, and money means business. Too busy for friends, family and relatives. Too busy for Allah. From dawn till dusk they are the hectics of work, then from dusk till dawn they enjoy the night life, i.e. Boozing down at the pub or Raving on drugs. A pint here and a pint there, drunk to the bone, then off back home. Which one, Trip, LSD, Cocaine or Heroine. Oh what the hell! Let's take the lot. Then jump to the rhythm and move to the dance floor. Forget about all your worries and troubles, enjoy yourself. What else is life about, except fun and enjoyment. Hey, your only here for a few days so enjoy it while it lasts! If your bored, then hang around, the fun is not over. Move to your favourite joint on the streets. Blow a few fags and watch the side-walks. If anyone gives you bad looks, bash him in; and if anyone gets too friendly, mug him! There's no morality left, no sense of hope, so do what you like. There's no difference between good and bad, because to be good you have to be 'Bad'. Morality is something which you once got from a thing called Islam. These days this thing is for the old 'foggies' and the 'nerds' with long beards, a small cap on their heads and doughnuts on their trousers, or so you think! Every time you hear the word Islam, Aaaagh! No way, who are you trying to kid. You make it seem like a creature from 'the living dead'. Anyway, forget it all, and carry on enjoying your life, because it is your life, and it's upto you to get what you want out of it. I mean, who am I to tell you what to do, even if it meant telling you to wake up to reality. You've made up your mind and that's the way it's going to be. Keep it like that, like a stone heart that is never to be moved. See how much fun and enjoyment you can have. See how much 'worldly pleasure' you can achieve. Do it till the end, or is there really something called the end. Otherwise known as a thing called Death, kicking the bucket, your own bucket! Something you would definitely run from. The truth is that, death is only around the corner. You never know when it's going to hit you, but when it does, it will kill you. When death comes watch your fun and enjoyment go to waste. You can run away from Islam but you Death: You can run but can't hide from death. Was all that fun and enjoyment in life, fulfilling. How much peace of mind did you have. At the end of the day you enjoyed a little but achieved a fat ZERO. Dying one day is a fact of life, not an scientist's imagination. Wake up and smell the coffee... Allah may take your life just like that, and here you are pretending to yourself that life is fun! People take fun to the extreme level, then they expect to end up in Paradise. How silly can you get! All your time and energy is gone to worldly pleasure. Yet you're missing out on a pleasure which is so deep in satisfaction and so eternal. It lies only with Allah, and is Paradise. There you can have all the enjoyment you want, without ever having any problems. So, why are you still asleep. If in life you want money, you need a job, where you work and get paid for doing something. So how can you expect, by enjoying yourself and forgetting Allah, that you will ever gain eternal peace: the peace of paradise. Forgetting Allah is the worst thing you could do in life; the biggest mistake a human being can make. You can do whatever you like and however you like it because Allah has given you the free will, and the ability to think freely. He also gave you a choice, that is to obey His commands. Allah has laid down rules and guidance by which we can run our day to day lives. Remember this, and remember it well. There will be a day when all you have done in this life will have to be answered for. No one will be able to help you; not your friends, not your relatives, not even your parents. On that day you'll be shown all your good deeds and all your bad deeds. You will have to face Allah! All your life you thought you were a 'Rude boy/girl'. When you were ordered to worship Allah, you disobeyed. When you knew that you were doing wrong, you still continued doing it. It will be too late then. I am telling you Brothers and Sisters, girls and boys, the clock is ticking and time is running out..... Lo! We warned you of a doom at hand, the day wereon a man will look on that which his own hands have sent before, and the disbelievers will cry: "Would that I were dust!" (Sura 78:40)
Age: 125
7862 days old here
Total Posts: 43
Points: 0
seems to me to have a very stereo-typical image about muslims desibaba. U say we love to die...hmm..thats a very stong statement and i dont know what to say to that on behalf of all the muslims. Sister nads if u could help us out here, it would be great.
Age: 125
7855 days old here
Total Posts: 31001
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France, France
muslims dont LOVE to die... it s jut that we r not afraid of death, as it s a fact,,, u cant hide of it u cant escape,,, so y being scared of something which ll happen.. hmmm.. me not talking abt allll muslims :)
Bro Riza
Age: 125
7824 days old here
Total Posts: 31
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
desibaba said:
among other things, I was getting my impression from another thread called "Palestine Suicide Bombers well done" from Religion forum started By DMX.
Desibaba i agree the topic name wasn't the best, but if you actualy read the topic, you would understand why OPRESSED muslims in palestine are resorting to Suicide killings, because they dont have any other weapons, they are opressed by israel trying to take land which isnt even theres in the first place, the jew were put in palestine after the war by the british now they trying to take the whole land. Calling us terrorists??? not only that but they have weopons worth billions all provided by US. But palestine only have stones. On the news you only see one side, thats cause the media is run by jews. Theres killing in palestine everyday, little children being murdered but you dont here about that.but as soon as one jew is killed, its all over the world, i could go on forever.. But the point is dont open your mouth if youd dont know what your talking about, and dont believe everything the media says, they have have a very evil way of fooling people.