Love that you’re thinking creatively about using wallpaper. There are some super cool ways to apply wallpaper that can totally transform a space. The UniQstiQ online platform has some awesome selections of wallpaper & modern wall art home decor that could inspire some unique ideas. For example, you could use a bold patterned wallpaper on the ceiling instead of paint to add an unexpected pop of color and texture to any room. It’s like a fifth wall that often gets overlooked. Another neat idea is wallpapering the inside of a bookshelf or a closet for a fun peek-a-boo effect whenever you open it. UniQstiQ has some vibrant and geometric prints that can really make these hidden spaces stand out. Or, if you’re feeling really artsy, you could even create a wallpaper mural by mixing different patterns to make one large, cohesive piece. The key is to play around with their offerings to see what complements your space and personal style!