yoyo said:well posters are looking extremly paindo
the one film that has really grabed my attention is Aik Gunahoon Ka Shehr
story is looking vulgar but story is looking good
Straight said:what do you guys think about NIKAH....that's the only movie i like from Sangeeta ;:! :)
charizmatic said:guys iam sick of these tarap's and sin city crapp tarap was hyped soo much and even the few songs looked good as well but yesterday i saw dialogue promos on aaj tv and i was disppointed i mean same old loud back ground music same loud acting with ne sensitivity, poor babrik shah was going through with his dialogue like the way arnold shwartzeneger did in terminator i mean its like some robote is acting with no expressions at all and on a serious note frankly speaking i never expected any creative or decent film from syed noor and baji sangeeta