Please don't move this topic as it is related with the occasion. Only few people visit religion or serious forums - especially, during times of festivity.
Plaese don't copy-paste someone else's opinions. post your own understanding of Eid.
Shahrukh Khan
Age: 125
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Netherlands, Netherlands
Ibn-ul- 'Arabee said: "'Eid was named 'Eid because it returns every year with renewed happiness."8
The renowned scholar Ibn 'Aabideen said: "'Eid was titled by this name because in it is the customary beneficence of Allah, the Most High, i.e. various forms of kindness that return, everyday upon His servants. From these are: "Fitr" (eating) after food had been prohibited, Sadaqatul-Fitr, completion of the Hajj by the Tawaf of visiting, the meat from the sacrifices and many other acts. Also because the custom in 'Eid is joy, happiness, cheer fulness and gladness."9
Shahrukh Khan
Age: 125
7966 days old here
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Netherlands, Netherlands
What does Eid celebrate again and again? In what do we rejoice? Obviously, in the first instance, we are thankful for that grace from God which carried us through the month of earnest, joyous labour, of constant, faithful toil, spent in fasting, prayers, and Quran recitation. But upon a little reflection, we can immediately see that our joyous festivities, in fact, hail and celebrate that unique moment when God's infinite mercy, the first light of His last guidance, dawned upon mankind.That is why Ramadhan has been reserved for the Fasting; that is why the end of Ramadhan has been earmarked for rejoicin
In Surah Yunus it is said:
“O mankind! There has come to you indeed an admonition from your Lord and a healing for what is in the hearts; and a guidance and a mercy for the believers. Say: In the grace of Allah and in His mercy, in that they should rejoice. It is better than (all the worldly wealth) that they amass.” (10:57-58).
This is the occasion Muslims have been enjoined by Allah (SWT) Himself to celebrate with happiness and joy. This occasion is called JASHN-E-NUZOOL-E-QURAN, i.e. EID-UL-FITR-DAY.
Age: 124
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United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
According to me its a gift to muslims by Allah after there Obedience to be stopped from the Halaal things by the order of theire creator in the holy month.
Age: 58
7904 days old here
Total Posts: 2772
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Oklahoma City, United States
yes sis, all that is true. but my focus is on why that day. We can do those things on any other day of our choice. What makes eid as eid and no other day is that special?
Doctor Sam
Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Smooth_daddy said:
yes sis, all that is true. but my focus is on why that day. We can do those things on any other day of our choice. What makes eid as eid and no other day is that special?
it has been made special by Allah Ta'ala sd bhai.. thts y we celebrate it. Nb is right.. sort of gift.
Age: 125
7852 days old here
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France, France
hmmmmmmm.... its sunnah i guess.. and we celebrate nuzool e Quran pak and the end of Ramadan
well,, i dont know wot u call "celebrating" its a day of happiness ofcourse but i dont think if we really need to have 2/3 new clothes, parties and all other stuff
Teen Tracker
Age: 125
7951 days old here
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Smooth_daddy said:
Thanks, that is good and informative. But my questions remain unanswered.
Why shd I celebrate it? What if I don't celebrate it? Is there reward for it? Is it part of worship or is it a ritual?
SD I will try to answer your questions as I hope you will get my point
1) This is gift of Allah for those who keep fast in holy mnth of Ramadan.Before Islam Quraish observe two days of joy in which drinking and dance were held. So Nabi-e-Karim (S.A.W) told the muslims abut two better days Eid-ul-Azha and Eid -ul- Fitar.So for being a muslims we must celebrate this as a gift of ALlah and HIS Rasul.
2)It is on the will of muslim to celebrate it or not but Sunah says it mustbe celebrated .As prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) practised by wearing new clothes, aplying ittar on holy body.
3) Eid is the reward after Ramazan. Celebrating eid is not a rewarding activity but if we celebrate eid as our Prophet (S.A.W) told then it will give us the Reward.
4) The start of day is worship and for being a muslim everyt single activity we do is for Allah and it is worship
Age: 58
7904 days old here
Total Posts: 2772
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Oklahoma City, United States
Ashii said:
hmmmmmmm.... its sunnah i guess.. and we celebrate nuzool e Quran pak and the end of Ramadan
well,, i dont know wot u call "celebrating" its a day of happiness ofcourse but i dont think if we really need to have 2/3 new clothes, parties and all other stuff
Eid is not mere sunnah. It is required. Allah TWT says in the Quran to say takbeetat after completing the count of fasting in the month of Ramadhan for the guidance given to you so that you may become thankful. Eid is difinitely a gift but also a day of special worship. No other day can be the same as Eid.
The prophet SAW told us about the significance of this day as when angles descend from heavens. They station at each crossroads, welcome and send blessings of Allah upon all those who come out of their homes to offer Eid prayers. On this day, the Zakat ul Fitr must reach the needy and a believer should feel happy.
Prophet wore his best clothes and cologne and remained happy on the day of Eid. He offered and received greetings which are only meant ofr eid.
Wearing nice and best closthes on the day of Eid is well within the spirit of Eid. Extravagance is never permitted but showing generosity, hostings and offerings toward family, relatives, friends, and needy are appreciated and are very suitable to the event but without an element of show-off and arrogance.
Age: 58
7904 days old here
Total Posts: 2772
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Oklahoma City, United States
LiL_DollY said:
hmm I know in my fmaily
if someone passes away
my fmaily keeps the eid clothing simple
no one really dresses up
Yes, families and tribes have their on traditions. Some of them are good just as some of them are not good either.
I am glad you brought this up. I have been trying to make this point. Eid is a fard (offering eid prayers in some sects is sunnah, yet others consider it wajid) - celebrating Eid is required, i.e. one must be happy for two reasons. 1. because it is for His obedience and we are happy in what pleases Him. 2. it is given by Allah as he sends his angels and special blessings on this day because we have attained the taqwa and possibly freedom from the hell fire.
Losing someone in the family is very sadening, but joyful is the blessing of Allah to the believers who seek His plesure at all times. Thus, not celebrating eid could tantamount to rejecting what Allah orders. Naturally, it would be hard for a person to wear new clothes and being playful when someone in the family died only a couple of days ago.
However, when people show their sadness on the day of eid when during that year someone in the family passed away. Though in their normal life you don't see that unhappiness but they specifically mark eid to lodge their protest. This is not prmissble.
Age: 58
7904 days old here
Total Posts: 2772
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Oklahoma City, United States
Teen Tracker said:
Smooth_daddy said:
Thanks, that is good and informative. But my questions remain unanswered.
Why shd I celebrate it? What if I don't celebrate it? Is there reward for it? Is it part of worship or is it a ritual?
SD I will try to answer your questions as I hope you will get my point
1) This is gift of Allah for those who keep fast in holy mnth of Ramadan.Before Islam Quraish observe two days of joy in which drinking and dance were held. So Nabi-e-Karim (S.A.W) told the muslims abut two better days Eid-ul-Azha and Eid -ul- Fitar.So for being a muslims we must celebrate this as a gift of ALlah and HIS Rasul.
2)It is on the will of muslim to celebrate it or not but Sunah says it mustbe celebrated .As prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) practised by wearing new clothes, aplying ittar on holy body.
3) Eid is the reward after Ramazan. Celebrating eid is not a rewarding activity but if we celebrate eid as our Prophet (S.A.W) told then it will give us the Reward.
4) The start of day is worship and for being a muslim everyt single activity we do is for Allah and it is worship
Well said TT Pls see my response in two posts above. If they are clearifying my view point and reason why i asked rhetorical questions.