Tarap Movie Review!!!(UPDATED!)

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Well last saturday i went to watch Tarap with my whole family at Universe Cineplex!
Well when we entered the screning room the only last row from the beginning was filled.We took our seats.

Well then the movie started,The movie starts with Nadeem,who used to be the DON of tommorow,Fires a person from his office becuz he was planning to kill Nadeem and take his all property.Then at the very same day Nadeem is waiting for his Son Saud to come from US.At his way to home,Saud is hitten and injured by the gundas sent by the person who was fired.Then Saud is lying in Reshams house.Reshams sees the badly injured Saud and take him in.Resham works in a newspaper as a reporter/journalist.Then things happen and finnaly Saud tells Nadeem abut marryin resham.Then Nadeem said tht he cant let his son marryin a widow(Resham was a widow).But finaaly Resham and Saud get married and living peacefully in another house.Then Nadeem gets to know tht Resham and Saud had a Son.So nadeem goes to hospital take the child from Resham and said this is becuz u took away my son from me too.Then Saud goes to Nadeem to ask for his child but Nadeem refuses and Saud shoots himself.Then after 20 years Resham is still in search of his son who is Babrak.Babrak is in dubai,studyin in collage with his soon to be wife Sheeba and friends Laila and Imran.Willl Resham will ever get his son?Find the movie to watch it.

Well the story of tarap is plain and simple whereas the major flawback of Tarap is weak script.Jaffar Arsh usually writes Gujjar Badmash movies and this one was his first family movie atmept so maybe thts why the lack of experience caused the script to be weaken but it doesent mean tht the script was totally poor....Jaffar Arsh has wrote some powerful dialouges also,Espeacially between Resham and Nadeem.While he has wrote some comic scenes also which manages to bring atleast a SMILE on ur face!
Well Tarap is definately a good movie.But what lacks is twists.The movie had only one twist which is pretty small enough.One can see that Sangeeta AND produceR Yaseen Malik has done an effort making it and have taken all the departments very carefully Editing,Lightning,Script,Action,Music etc.

The Music is awesom.Songs like Mehki Hawaon Mein,Aaaj Teri Yaad,Do Honton Ki,Badal Do Badal Do,Aaap sey tum hoey were really melodious and good to the ears.But one song which was completly pathetic was "Mein bhi TUN hon tu bhi TUN hai"!OMG!The whole audience went laughing when listening to the lyrics of the song.It was like a daag in a chand.Didnt Sangeeta releaize this song will ruin the standard of the movie.But thiz song was also well picturized.

Well one department which our Pakistani movie are really improving is of Editing:Well u should check out the editing of this movie,Its such nicely done!Espeacially the scene in which Saud Shot himeself was excellent!

Picturization was EXCELLLENT:All the latest cameras and equipment was used!The Picture Quality of the movie was crystal clear and it was just LIKE bollywood movies.(I watched Taj Mahal in the same cinema and trust me there was hardly any diffrence with picture and sound quality)The sound was DTS so obviously it was excellent.

Resham and Nadeem gave brilliant performances which my other family members also liked it alot.Espeacially Resham,She was so good tht i have become fan of her.Sheeba was also good,Babrak needs to improve alot espeacially during emotional scenes.Imran was ok with Laila was also average.

Overall,Tarap is a movie which is a really a movie of LOVE,COURAGE and Passion.All the three elements will be found in the movie.Well it might not doing well at the box office becuz Families dont come to cinema nowadays but it is doing ok business.
P.S:Well after 15 mins of the movie,Half-Hall was FULL!

In the interval i went wid some family members to take popcorn and drinks.During the interval on my return i saw there was written on the screen COMING SOON AT A THEATRE NEAR YOu and then Tarap started.When i inquired which movie trailer it was so i got to know it was of Waapsi:The Return,Well there was also posters of the movie in the cineplex.It will be releasing soon !
Posted 06 Nov 2006

Posted 06 Feb 2018

valandrian says
Posted 31 May 2018

Posted 22 Sep 2018

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