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Well i am just coming from Nishat Cinema...i watched ONE TWO KA ONE there and trust me its a complete entertaining movie!!!
Mommar Rana has done such good acting in a double-role,Trust Me i didnt expected him to do it such nicely and with the help of no advanced technology he proved tht he is just equal to Sharukh Khan!
Reema was good and looked extremly beautiful!
Saima was looking good also and her acting was also nice!
I must say tht all the stage comedians did very great job especailly the villian Iman....and Babbu Bral!

The Music by Ronaq Ali was great and all the songs were good and catchy espeacially Sun Zara was melodious and Saiyan Saiyan!

The Witty One Liners made everyone laugh in cinema hall!
The cinema was full of laughs !At some scenes the comedy was done so nicely that the audiences even clapped!The story was very interesting and thank god it didnt had cheap comedy which i was having a felling tht it will!Ronaq Ali has done an excellent job!Well Done!

But the only problem was tht being an Pure Pakistani Movie it was made with old cameras and old sound system.But i must give a Shabash to all the team tht the acting and camerawork was such good tht the picture quality looked Good even if it was made with Old Cameras!But i think so Ronaq Ali should have made it DTS becuz sometimes the lyrics of the songs cannot be heard properly!I hope the money he made from this venture he will put it in his next one and tht will be made with latest technology!

Overall it was good to see a Pakistani Comedy Movie after a long time in an cinema!Well Done Ronaq Ali!Cheers One Two Ka One!
Now to the cinema!Well i heard many people commenting Nishat Cinema to be very good and now it had an renovation of 25 Lacs with seating,screen and sound system developed i thought tht why dont give it a try.
Well as we enter the cinema looks good with well painted,No Paan ki thokien,then when we enter the Halli was simply amazed!
I thought cineplex was the only good cinema in Karachi but no i was wrong!The Hall was very beautiful with a design on black walls!The Seats were relly good looking and comfortable!Thank God atleast some cinema owner upgraged there cinema!The Screen was big and nice whereas when the interval took place the curtains closed and trust me the curtains looked really beautiful tht it was looking i was sittin in an USA Cinema(I have seen the pix of there cinemas)!Well the audiences were rly good this time...well there was families but very little but the ppl remained silent throught the movie no howlings and bad comments were passed which happened in Capri!Only once there was howl of ppl sayin to Awaz Barhao when a song came and volume was not turned up,but tht was ok!

Well Nishat is 1000 times better then Capri and u must give Ronaq Ali's venture a try and I am sure u will not be dissapointed!

Posted 12 Nov 2006

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