As u know that new upcoming fims are coming in pakistan and uk or other country also next couple of months.. Be sure these movies quality are digital,film good or bad this decide u and depend on this movies direction from director of movie..
here are the movies which are same lab as "Yeh dil aap ka hawa"
the question is ,, even though the films are releasing in the international cinemas... u dont have any pakistani videoshops here in the netherlands...... so would we ever be able to watch these movies....... ?
Age: 125
7855 days old here
Total Posts: 295
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Canada, Canada
Pakistan has DTS theatres all over Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad/ you need to do some homework before you venture out onto a Pakistani forum and spread hate like should be really ashamed for the type of language your using!
Age: 125
7855 days old here
Total Posts: 112
Points: 0
well i apologise if i said a little too much but the fact is that u guys are trying too hard . the best way to boost ur movie industry is to allow indian and international movies to be screened in pakistan . that ll encourage competition and motivate ur makers to make some good movies.
Age: 125
7858 days old here
Total Posts: 12
Points: 0
Pakistan, Pakistan
Asslam-o-Aalikum my dear brothers and sisters -
I am fairly new to these forums and to tell you the truth didn't mean to run into this forum. however once In, I found out about all of you brothers and sisters from all over the world.
I felt that I should share this thought of mine with you.
When we were made and sent to this world, there was a purpose. I am sure all of you are have at least one Quran english translation at home. After 9/11, it was Mr. pervaiz musharraf who made a fake slogan such as "Sub sey pehley Pakistan". then we noted a song made by someone on that slogan.
I only want to ask you, when you will in front of Allah (and all of us will be eventually, no matter how young we feel now), can we say this to him? can we tell him that Although you sent us to spread the message about your oneness in the world, we came up with our agendas such as "Sab sey pehley Pakistan"
It is heartwarming to see that many of you feel strongly about Pakistan but I request you to ponder that Pakistan is the only country made in the name of Islamic theory and if we love pakistan, that has to be in line with our two nation theory. we needed to have a country to practice our religion, to have our own industries (since others wouldn't like to let muslims do it such french and english not allowing egypt to set up industries in 1800s), to be a good example for our muslim Ummah all over the world. at the same time, we are supposed to live peacefully with other nations and take care of their needs as well (like Hadhrat Umar farooq did or like Salahuddin did). we have a great example in Prophet (pbuh), sahabah and some ulemas.
We are in this world for Allah and so it is "Sub sey pehley Islam" most probably
just wanted to share my thoughts. Jazak Allah Khair (may Allah reward to good)
Age: 125
7858 days old here
Total Posts: 12
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Assalam-o-Aalikum - I appreciate the comments. I request you to read following in a broader term of a nation which has one Allah, one Quran and one prophet and not in the limited sense of one flag.
I wish we understood the difference between Islam and Muslims. There is a reason why new reverts to Islam are far better muslims. they do not have misconception where nationality or culture are supported when they conflict with religion. Islam has no problem with cultures if they are in conflict to Islam. Allah promised us that Islam will previal. if you remmeber, in 12th century muslims were some of the most lazy people who never stood to defend themselves. Soon, tataris killed them and those races do not even exist. then those tataris came to Islam. in the same token, nationalities do and might die out but Islam will previal. ever wondered why new muslims are far stronger, patient and practicing while we, the so-called born muslim are not even educated correctly by our families (in most cases, npot all).. many times the new muslims have to be saved from muslims practicing culture or nationalistic agendas.
<b>Pakistan and Islam</b> if we love Pakistan because it is for Islam and we practice Islam then Alhamdulillah, for us any muslim country would be important. applying that it could be "Sab sey pehley Malaysia" or "Sab sey Pehley Mauritania". in that case nationality doesn't matter. but all of you are smarter than me.. all of you know that nationlistic slogans only get once message across and that is about nationalism. let us sit back and ponder what are we here for (as in surah baqrah, ayahs 30s) and what have we become.
this is misconception which everyone is working hard to push in our minds especially our Youth's. Pakistan and Islam are not 100% same if that was the case we would have seen Islam being implemented in Pakistan. if you know, Islam was primarily used for family law and in 1973 it was made part of the constitution and its implementation is dependent on the government (which is not a khilafah by any means).
Making a country for muslims doesn't mean it is made for Islam. I agree with you that we have to care about Pakistan but Alhamdulillah there are so many people who support Pakistan in the sense of religion. they purely support it in the shade of sacrifices made by more than 1 million people who wanted to live as independent muslims. even Quaid (who never claimed to be religious scholar) had a vision of Pakistan as a practicing lab.
Nationalism is what Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) warned against. He mentioned that those who die in the state of supporting tribalism, die in the state of Jahiliyyah. We started in the name of tribes and now we are into nationality.
life after death is serious matter for all os us. once again, can we stand in front of Allah and say that when we said "Sub sey pehley pakistan", we meant "sab sey pehley Islam". if Insha-Allah pakistan practiced true Islam, it will be in its entirety, we cannot skip half of Islam and use other. If Pakistan gets on this route, it will help only Pakistan. but if not, History has seen nations coming and going and no one even remembers them today.
Please do love Pakistan but just as much as any other muslim country because they are all ours. our Ummah. Our salvation in this world is only through that kind of Unity and not is false slogans which separate us. Going by this, we ultimately take care of lot of our internal problems about unity as well. Allah said that he created us in tribes to make it easy for identification. following one Allah, all of us tribes are one and together.
My dear brothers and sisters, it is of paramount significance that we understand the aim of this life. even not now, may be 10 years down the road this will make more sense to us. as we approach towards death, may Allah broaden our horizons. I pray for all of us.
Age: 125
7858 days old here
Total Posts: 12
Points: 0
Pakistan, Pakistan
Dear Ricky - People on this forum are also pakistanis and muslims and they know better what to make their priority. all of them are excellent people who listen to things objectively and hold their religion more dear to them than anything else. you have underestimated them but then you, the opportunist, like a rascal jumping among the gentlemen, had to jump in to use this chance to cause mischief among us.
your choice of words speak for you and your upbringing. it happens to be that I know you are an indian (from your previous posts on this forum). However I have met some very nice indians too. Alas you will not be one of them. It is sad that you will be added to my trashlist but oh well, you must already be on many's I would say since that is where trash talkers like you belong. Rascals like you are not liked in any forum, Ricky. consider changing your name again!
Age: 125
8297 days old here
Total Posts: 5253
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United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
nav64 i wud request u to refrain from calling anyone names and also to put this post in religious talk. also i wud request u to follow wot u preach and keep peace rather then provoking or getting provoked.
not all our members r paki's or muslims, we must keep it in mind not to offend them but rather set an example to them.
i wudve edited ur post but it wud not be fair to all. u need to pls be more careful in the future.
Age: 125
7855 days old here
Total Posts: 295
Points: 0
Canada, Canada
OK so Lollywood needs support and money...........
first it needs to sell the films and even give some away for free to the international Pakistanis. From there people will notice and will buy or watch the films. Inturn they will become popular......they just have to use some money to market there movies like CRAZY! Once people notice........well get ready for a new era in Lollywood Films.
Age: 125
7984 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
Points: 0
Canada, Canada
lol. if only it were that easy bro....
but i agree with the free movie's for international pakistanis! lol.
if we're going to talk abt solutions for lollywood's's my answer. it sounds easy enough but i don't see it happening. lol. someone (preferably a pakistani) from the U.S. or Canada who has a boatload of money, and who wants to make a name for themself in their home country, should team with a known producer IN pakistan and pool their resources! next on the agenda is, sign a mixture of old and new stars, and come up with a story which is unique - one that is completely different from current trends (perhaps a tragedy which is rarely done). next get the latest equipment (which we KNOW is avaiable to all directors if they want it). then, get the biggest singers in pakistan to do the music...and this is where we SHINE. make music which kicks ass (we have done it in the past, we're doing it now, and we can do it for this proposed solution for lollywood!) in fact, u bank the movie and its success on its music, and its variety, thanks to the countless artists! and finally, promote the movie in pakistan, canada, the u.s. and london. release it during/after eid, and you're all set to smash records!!
now all we need is that rich bum to come 4ward and put up the cash! the actors/actress won't take up much of your budget (espcially if your money is in dollars or pounds and you pay them in rupees!!) so you put the bulk of the cash 2wards (like u said, t.o. raptors) promotion, equipment, travel (you gotta film abroad!!) and paying the music director(S)!!!