I watched Majajan on Kara Film Fest!

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Age: 125
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Well for the first time i went to Kara Film Fest...
To watch Majajan wid my family.I heard tht all the cast and crew will come and Q/A session will take place after the movie!
I as I entered the venue there was a good amount of rush..an Indian Movie Khosla Ka Ghosla had finished and Majajan was about to start!
There was one host standing interviewing Syed Noor...i was soo happy to see him...i think there were nearly 7 cameras from diffrent TV Channels covering the screening!
Then all of us entered the hall!Wow!The Hall was pretty good...(It was Arts Council)The Screen was also big enough...clean seats...becuz it was not a regular cinema!
The audiene...obviously...were educated ones!Many people from media also came!
I seated myself at the front seats my family was at the back ones!
and guess wat...Syed Noor was sitting wid me..we handshak and we talked a bit!
Then he got an the stage to give a preview about the movie,He said tht this movie is in Punjabi so u mite not understand many of the scenes!In this movie every character is positive in its own way!Then after 2 mins the movie started!Free CDS and Cassates were distributed of the movie...Then Syed Noor seated himself at the same row!Shaan and Saima were not there!
The movie started!
WOW!What a wonderful mvoie it was...i did understand it...the dialouges were rly nice...At times people clapped at the dialouges of Shaan and Saima!The acting department was ruled by Shaan and Saima,Shaan was looking good whereas Saima...she was not looking fat at all!She was soo slim..i was shocked!She was looking really beautiful and she proved herself in this movie!Madiha Shah was also good...the comedy actors did great comedy!Trust me when Iftikhar Thakar came on the screen and spoke the dialouges ppl started to laugh...Yaar!The scenes were really funny!The story was also good and the songs were melodious also but the number should have been reduced!The last scene was wonderful!
When the film ended many people congragulated Syed Noor on making such a good film...trust me Syed Noor Won my HearT!
Now to the Q/A Session...
I will just say what syed noor said..at first he apologised himself that he had add to some violence in the end beucz isko commercially bhi chalana tha,He himself said tht!Then one man said sir i dont regret tht i missed Khosla Ka Ghosla becuz ur movie was brilliant!Many ppl said tht the violance and the number of songs should have beeen reduced,One person complained about the sound so syed noor said tht becuz the auditorium is not DTS thts why u couldnt enjoy the sound to its full!He said tht this camera from which he shot Majajan was reallly old...i was shocked!He said tht one part of this camera was lost and i contacted the company which used to make this,they said tht we had stopped making this camera from 20 years and ur still working on it!From tht moment i really felt good for Syed Noor becuz Hats Off to him of making such an amazing movie with such low technology tht can be compared with any movie from India even!
Posted 10 Dec 2006

taify says
Thx for the info
Posted 10 Dec 2006

valandrian says
Posted 01 Jun 2018

Posted 22 Sep 2018

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